Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Raya with friends~

Di luar rumah cNas (bisai lighting nya~):

At my house, watching SpongeBob~

At Zat's home, hmmm... focus luan jauh:

At Zat's friends open house:

At Nas' relative's house - cNas buang tebiat malas pakai baju kurung:

Aiiiii~ Looking back, we sure missed a lot of photo taking opportunities~ Drat!

Buncha' pics for your viewing pleasure~

Without further ado, I present to you the pics of raya~:

Candid shots of mostly Bunda and Vina~

Hahaha~ Sketsa "minta duit raya"

Can you tell that these three are related?

At my aunt's home in Kiarong

Happy grandpa

Since I couldn't find any of my grad pics in my laptop files, I just took a shot of my studio pic instead. It was weird how this pic totally does not look like me - I'm not white and I have a small birthmark that somehow magically disappeared the moment this pic was taken~ Ahhh~ The wonders of PhotoShop.

It's ok I guess but gives people the wrong idea on how I actually look like. I mean if this was the old days where parents still arrange their kids marriage all the time and I was a dude - I would look at this pic and think: "Not bad~". But then when we actually meet I'll be like: "WTF!~ I didn't sign up for THAT!" See what I mean?!.... Hahahah, sorry about that - I tend to get carried away in my thoughts (all my friends can vouch for that~).


I've changed the pictures for the post of my cutesies (click here)- the previous ones look crappy and didn't show their kawaiiness the way I wanted them to be. The new ones looked better (if you wanted to see the old ones go to my bro's blog at this link: Nono-sama). Oh and I swapped the first pic from my bro's (another one) photoblog, which can be accessed from the links at the sidebar.

Obviously I've done some photo-editting to edit out the unwanted elements from the pic~ Heheheh~


It's been three months since my graduation day and most of my friends have gotten jobs at various well-established firms (hint: blanja~). Since I got nothing better to do I'm gonna post a few of our graduation pics:




..which can be accessed via the following link: www.sprinklerain.blogspot.com --> It's my friend's blog and since we go to the same Uni and had the same graduation ceremony, might as well use her pics. (Hahah~ ^_^ kes malas banarnya). But just to show u I'm not totally lazy, here's a pic of me with my ever present rockers pose:




Uhh... It seems like I misplaced it (--")...


See ya! (Runs off~)

New Layout

Hahaha~ I finally made it. It was supposed to be easy to change the blog skin but I guess I was terluan pandai that I made a 5 min work turn to two hours. It was all the blardy tweaking with the code (which I had no prior know-how in) that made the whole thing took so long. Of course I could have copy and paste the whole thing but my natural inquisitiveness (translate: kaypoh - which has killed the cat on numerous occasions) made me go and learn the few basic things of coding. And so, I present to you the new layout~