Monday, March 29, 2010


I went to Tutong yesterday to get to know my way round to my new office - yup people, i'm finally getting transferred out of HQ to the Tutong office. I'm rather glad and a bit deflated all at the same time, the previous due to the fact that Tutong is not as far as KB and Temburong and so will not strain my wallet commuting everyday and the latter because I was rather looking forward to Temburong for its beautiful greenery and less burdensome work compared to the rest of the districts~

So of course, me being ME, I managed to get misdirected a few times heheheh. But having found myself nowhere near my target destination i.e. Kompleks Bangunan-Bangunan Kerajaan Daerah Tutong, I tried to make the best of the situation - which is why I found myself...
Tasek Merimbun - which is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy off the route I'm supposed to take...

This is actually a more breath-taking view than what my mobile camera can come up with,
the feeling of looking at that beautiful piece of nature's art is just awesome...

....and here...
Pantai Seri Kenangan - its a lovely place to spend your free time with your loved ones....

.... this is the other side of the spit, Sungai Tutong, damn scary with its deep waters....

....finally here! I found the office building at last and on the way a couple of routes I can take to get there. I did some shopping at HuaHo Petani Mall Tutong seeing as I was already there.

And so it has been an eventful half-day trip for me. Moral of the story: It's okay to take a few detours/be misdirected in your journey, otherwise you could have never discovered the few lovely surprises the straight and direct path would never have shown you~

P.S. For those who didn't know me well, "Misdirected = Lost", but I prefer the the previous~

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