Monday, March 30, 2009


Woohoo~ I got a new baby boy! He was born last Friday just before Maghrib - not sure yet of his exact name, something along the lines of Erwan NorIman I think. I had a little episode of sulking just because I wasn't informed of his birth that day~ hahah~ I had just came back from watching "Confessions of a Shopaholic" (it's a feel good movie with quite a few laughs) with my peeps at the Mall, and somehow had the feeling that I should take the Jerudong highway as the route back home. Usually I just go via Jangsak and Sengkurong but that day I felt like going the other way, I even spent half an hour at a store in Jerudong. Turns out during that time the baby was already borned in JPMC which is just along my way home that day!

Imagine my frustrations when I finally made it home just to be told that the new baby had arrived and I just missed him by a few minutes~ Hahaha~ but I wasn't sulking alone, my sister was pouting 'coz she was also left out - my parents had just dropped her off at her dorm and was on the way home when they received a call about the baby. Hahah~ my mom told my sister-in-law: "Now I got two of them mad at me" after the both of us called her to complain of being left out one after the other~

So I went to visit the new arrival and mommy at JPMC on Saturday. The baby was very tiny, his big toe is the size of my pinky and I have quite small and thin fingers (well duh~ If I have fat fingers that would totally be out of proportion with the rest of my body which everyone knows is quite skinny). He has his eyes covered because he was under some kinda ray theraphy as he was a bit jaundiced. But he's okay now - he has large eyes, I'm hoping this one would take after our side of the family in looks this time around~

So being at JPMC I couldn't pass up the chance to go the beach! It's such a long time since I went... would have been better if I had my friends/family with me but I'll take my chances where I can get 'em.

This would have been better if there hadn't been that bibik with her charge at the back...

It was about 3pm so the sun was casting a loooong shadow

Hahahaha~ senget 'coz I don't exactly know where the camera was pointing

Time to go home so I left my mark...~

Monday, March 16, 2009

5.2.0. Conversations...

Browsing the Billboard 100 charts online...

Me: Eh, Eminem ada kluar lagu baru sama 50 cent dan entahsapakan (Hey, apparently Eminem has a new single out with 50 cents and whatsisname)

Bro: Iakah? Apa namanya? (Really? What's it called?) *actually not that interested but still melayan*

Me: Crack a Bottle, nda pernah pun ku dangar main d radio (Crack a Bottle, never heard it played on the radio though)

Bro: *continues watching TV, not really listening*

Me: *still talking as if anyones listening* Tau ku ni klo kena main gerenti bunyinya - toot, toot, tooooot, toot~ (I know that if this ever plays on the airwaves, it's guaranteed to sound like this - bleep, bleep, bleeeeep, bleep~)

Bro: *looks over questioningly*

Me: Hahaha~ sbb luan banyak kan di censored~ (Hahaha~ 'coz the lyrics have to be censored~)

Bro: ...


Watching Wheels of Fortune Malaysian version. The words were:

P _ R _ G _ W _ T I / T _ R _ _ _ _ _

Me: Hmmm, I know the first one is Peragawati (Model), but what can be associated with that?

Sis: Usually what they model right? Like clothes or car or accessories

Me: It doesn't fit

Sis: *takes a drink*

Me: *Not really thinking at all, but spouting whatever comes to mind* I know! Peragawati Terencat (Retarded Model)!

Sis, Bro and other Bro: ... *looked at me speechlessly*

Sis: *shakes head in amazement as if wondering how the heck we were related*

Bros: *laughed their head off*

.... the answer was actually PERAGAWATI TERKENAL....


Was driving a friend home from a night out at the movies - after denting my mom's car on the way...

Peep: You sure seem comfortable driving around places, how'd you get so confident?

Me: Just start driving to familiar places everyday. Once you're confident about driving there, you can venture out to drive farther - maybe you can drive along the highway during off peak hours, I find that relaxing

Peep: Oh~ *nods head then changes topic* Is this your first accident?

Me: ... *silent for a while*

Me: Wellll... If you count this as on the road... then yes... *smiles in assurance~*

Peep: ... *hand tightens on seatbelt*


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Just wanna tell you...

Nothin' new to update but don't wanna let the site rot so I'll just let you guys in on a lil' tidbit:

For my birthday, I bought a pair of shoes as well as got my ears pierced so now i've got 4 piercings~ The last one will probably, no scratch that, will make my parents blow their top off~ ah, but some risk are worth taking~

Ciao for now~

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ape-ape je...

Hahaha~ It's been a long time since my last update. Wanted to but my lazy disease got the better of me. Quite a few of my peeps are moving forward with their career and lives - some are going to Singapore~ soooo jealous~ Ah well, good for them - jan lupa ole2 ah~ heheheh, just kiddin'. I actually forgot what it was that I wanna talk about so I'll just write whatever it is on my mind at the moment. Here goes...

I had my 24th birthday last month! Yay!~

My birthday cake that my mom especially ordered for me. It's a chocolate cake with Nestum. It's so gooey and rich that even I, with my love of chocolate, had to have a drink with every bite but it was worth it~. The photo above, if you didn't already figure it out, was edited by moi cuz it looked a lil' bit on the plain side~

Heheh, as you can see, I suck at decoration~

Finally got a chance to meet up with Sha~ Actually Mas was supposed to be there too but she got too busy what with her teaching job as well as the national day practice that she got roped into. Sha is currently in her gap year, just taking a break after graduating from Uni. Nas as usual is late, I swear she has no sense of the flow of time - it seems to move at a different pace for her. As for Zat, congratulations! She got the job she applied for (well duh..)!

Makan-makan and minum-minum

I went for a free check up at Hua Ho. I didn't actually went for the whole shebang but just enough to know my health status. My bodyfat, visceral fat and BMI are all normal but my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) was a bit messed up. It seems that I'm not eating enough to maintain my energy level. Hah! I eat more than my fair share but I don't know where the heck it all went. There's one good thing though, I'm no longer underweight! Hahah~ it might be misleading though, 'coz I was carrying my keys, chains so that I won't lose my keys (which I repeatedly did - so not cool) and various stuff on my person which I forgot to unload, and I had just polished off a plate of oil soaked junk that's sure to grease my heart valve~ So my weight at that time was a bit above my typical range.

I also got involved with my mom's dzikir activities for the upcoming Maulud Nabi celebration. It was fun plus we got to eat nyaman every night for more than week! Who says there ain't any such thing as free lunch?