Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ape-ape je...

Hahaha~ It's been a long time since my last update. Wanted to but my lazy disease got the better of me. Quite a few of my peeps are moving forward with their career and lives - some are going to Singapore~ soooo jealous~ Ah well, good for them - jan lupa ole2 ah~ heheheh, just kiddin'. I actually forgot what it was that I wanna talk about so I'll just write whatever it is on my mind at the moment. Here goes...

I had my 24th birthday last month! Yay!~

My birthday cake that my mom especially ordered for me. It's a chocolate cake with Nestum. It's so gooey and rich that even I, with my love of chocolate, had to have a drink with every bite but it was worth it~. The photo above, if you didn't already figure it out, was edited by moi cuz it looked a lil' bit on the plain side~

Heheh, as you can see, I suck at decoration~

Finally got a chance to meet up with Sha~ Actually Mas was supposed to be there too but she got too busy what with her teaching job as well as the national day practice that she got roped into. Sha is currently in her gap year, just taking a break after graduating from Uni. Nas as usual is late, I swear she has no sense of the flow of time - it seems to move at a different pace for her. As for Zat, congratulations! She got the job she applied for (well duh..)!

Makan-makan and minum-minum

I went for a free check up at Hua Ho. I didn't actually went for the whole shebang but just enough to know my health status. My bodyfat, visceral fat and BMI are all normal but my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) was a bit messed up. It seems that I'm not eating enough to maintain my energy level. Hah! I eat more than my fair share but I don't know where the heck it all went. There's one good thing though, I'm no longer underweight! Hahah~ it might be misleading though, 'coz I was carrying my keys, chains so that I won't lose my keys (which I repeatedly did - so not cool) and various stuff on my person which I forgot to unload, and I had just polished off a plate of oil soaked junk that's sure to grease my heart valve~ So my weight at that time was a bit above my typical range.

I also got involved with my mom's dzikir activities for the upcoming Maulud Nabi celebration. It was fun plus we got to eat nyaman every night for more than week! Who says there ain't any such thing as free lunch?

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