Saturday, February 14, 2009

Shtoopid Longkang...

The RTB carvinal officially began on Thursday, 12th Feb which coincided with one of my sister's driving lesson. So we went there just to have a look around. It was so-so~ but one thing did stand out - the drainage system of the stadium, across of where the above event was held. Not wanting to go round and round in search of a parking space, we decided to park at the nearest empty lot - which is the stadium's parking area - and walk up the hill to the convention centre. Between the pathway and the parking area was this seemingly harmless drain. So dengan biasanya kami pun kan melangkah over the drain...

"Just jump over lah, no need to go round it."

"It's probably nothing, probably shallow one lor."

Then, we just had looked down... Wargh! Opocot! Mak engkau!~ It was one of the deepest drain we ever had to jump over, measuring probably 1m in depth. It didn't register until after we were just about to skip over it nonchalantly.... Yup~ always look before you jump, otherwise you'll end up at the 8 o'clock news... (yes, the country is so small that this bit of accident will make it on the national news).

I had soto yesterday~ Yum!~

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