Tuesday, February 10, 2009


My uncle and aunts' (who lives next door to us) sunflowers. They're pretty. That's all.

I changed my background image again~ ...duh~ I got annoyed with my previous layout - it was cute for a while but as I kept going on to the website, it began to look crowded with all that mishmash of patterns. So I decided to keep it simple with a relaxing pink Japanese pine trees body background and basic white wrapper~ Heheh, had to touch up on some CSS skills as I've forgotten most of what I've taught myself last year. I kept the basic Blogger template but tweaked with the background and some borders. The background is courtesy of PatternCooler, they got a lot of amazing patterns available that you can download for free.

The above pics are a couple of things I stumbled upon during my web trawls. I got them from templettes.blogspot.com, it's a cool site that offers free templates of labels and stuff. The owners are somewhat anti-valentine and made this flyer in the spirit of the silliness of the upcoming V day~ I especially find "no hablo ingles" (I don't speak English) and "depends... who's buying?" hilarious!~

Pink Panther 2 premiered last Thursday and went to watched it with the guys on Friday. If you liked the first one, this one is for you. It's the usual combination of Inspector Closseou clumsiness that sparks off laughter and his circumstantial knowledge (wit?) that unexpectedly saves the day. This is the type of movie that I watch with a certain group of friends - that have the same level of humour as me. I have two levels of humour, one that laughs at slapstick jokes and one that laughs at subtle, between the lines innuendos that are funny to those with a corrupted (dirty) mind. For the first type of movie, I mostly went with my high school buddies since our sense of what is humourous initiated at pretty much at the same time during our puberty and they get the funnies of what I'm laughin' at no matter how immature it seems. For the second one, my university pals are my usual accompaniments since my span of humour expanded along with theirs and these people sometimes view at my first level of humour with a cringe (as illustrated by one of them: 'The House Bunny' cracks me up, but not so my friend, "I got out of the cinema dumber.") - not that I blame them, the jokes are pretty immature and predictable laugh switches but as long as I enjoy them, I don't care~

My trusty red notebook has run it's course... ahhh~ the year we spent together notetaking, doodling and sketching are now over. Goodbye my friend... Rest in Peace...

My previous two notebooks were from WHSmith - I like the elastic band that keeps the pages together, but they don't carry that brand here.

Now for the good part: Shopping for a new one! I'm the type that depends on the written word to remind me of stuff I got to do and places I got to go. A planner seems sufficient but I don't really like the rigidity of the structure - I like to randomly doodle and draw stuff and in a planner that would have messed up the 'Got To Do' stuff I've written down in the small space provided. I could've gotten a bigger planner, but I don't like to lug around a notebook that won't fit my handbags.

I went and browsed the Net just for the heck of finding out the types of planner/diary/organiser people carry - turns out that brand names such as Moleskine and Filofax have their own obsessive followers who worshipped them as they would rock stars. These brands are not just that, but are a lifestyle for these fans (stalkers? they would be if these planners are actually rock stars) - you can google the brands and countless web sites have been established all around the world pertaining as to how you can improve and individualised them. It's rather fascinating, so mush so that I almost got sucked into the world of Moleskine. But reality interrupted in the form of my lack of funds (it's quite expensive for just a few pages of blank paper) and how irritating the customs office is at inspecting everything personal bought overseas (they tell you to rip open the package in front of them, and inspect the contents - like I would be purchasing something detrimental to myself. Me? the ever lazy gal who would walk rather than run, and would stay seated than walk - of course I would rather stay in bed all day long). Of course, it's still engrossing the way people all over have transformed such a simple concept of notebook into works of art. Just Google it, and you have a few hours of boredom relieved~

This is the 'two-taste' (roughly translated) icecream only available here in this country, that I know of. It's a combination of Banana and Chocolate, and is fantabulous~ Quite cheap too, only 40 cents (used to be 30 but inflation ya know).

For an end note, let's check out "Tuts My Barreh" on Youtube as suggested by Nonoi~ Sorry eh, am not a racist, it's just sooo funny~~

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