In responce to this unavoidable circumstance, I now spent most of my time on wheels in front of my laptop surfing the web and luckily its the season for my favourite tv shows to be aired again, some after a long break (Bones, Supernatural and Pushing Daisies) and some starting off a new season (Medium). However, after a long waiting period, one of the shows - namely Pushing Daisies - was cut off after only a measely 2 season of 13 episodes - and to top it off, the last 3 episodes of it's last season were not aired during their scheduled time! WT*! After telling the fans that its gonna be cut, now they have the audacity to hold back the closing episodes! Che! Why do they hook us up with the show in the first place if they're not gonna deliver? I can only grouch and stick my tongue out to the executives of that TV station in protest to this tragedy... :P
Moving on to a happier note, I'm gonna have another baby Boi! Yay! Everybody was sure its gonna a baby Gal (me, cause I had a dream that I was cradling the new baby to sleep, and my sister, cause she thought the round shape of the tummy was indicative of a female) - but what the heck, the new babe's gonna be another cutie based on his two older siblings. Hopefully this one's gonna take after my bro in looks but after my sis-in-law in her fair skin. The previous ones both totally took after my sis-in-law as per the pictures below will illustrate:
In my boredom, I am now taking up photography as a new hobby. The subjects? - various things in my own frontyard for now. There were a lot of empty birds' nests nestled between the flowers and shrubs. I would have liked to shoot (as in a picture, not a gun~) them with the birds eggs or lil' baby birdies within them though. I guess it's not the season for them to mate yet, and with the constant rain, most are probably flying somewhere cozier - much like how the birds in colder climates flew south. Wedding celebrations also seemed to come to a halt, and after a number being held during December with some days overlapping with invitations, it was quite a nice feeling to lay back and relax on Fridays and Sundays (hahaha~ macam c-Tai* aku ah, nda jua kraja hari2 yg lain, mau jua kan relax hari cuti) - I guess Bruneians' mating season is also in tandem with the birds~ (^u^)
These are one of the orchids species we have. At first I thought they were plastics due to their sheen but on a closer inspection, they were the real McCoy. Being as corrupted as I am, they kinda remind me of the female reproductive anatomy...
Heheheh~ I leave you with that image in mind~
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