Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kesah budak yang menangis....

I was reading through an article in a magazine a few years back about the curse of the crying boy - it was said that whoever owns a piece of a painting depicting a crying boy will have bad fortune befallen on them, in the form of a fire burning their away their precious belongings. It was not a specific crying boy, but rather any picture of a crying kid. Eerily, my grandparents used to own one of these painting and I have no idea of the hows and the why since the myth of the crying boy curse originated in Britain, when a group of firemen were bewildered by a string of fires that somehow involved the victims owning a painting of a crying boy... Dan Dan Dan (creepy suspense sfx)... Below is the copy that my grandparents owned, although I don't know what happened to it - probably demolished along with my grandparents' place... hmm I wonder if the curse had anything to do with that... just kidding - I don't believe in curses, just coincidences (shrugs)

Speaking of crying boys, I had watched a Korean movie called 'Baby and I' starring this cute guy and a cuter baby. The poster does no justice to the cuteness of the baby, you have to watch the kid in action to fully gush of his adorableness (sapa mau? I have a copy of the movie in my HDD)~ Look at those large round eyes and that soft fine hair~ Awww~ He's half-Korean and half-Canadian which I guess attributes towards his looks, his name's Mason Moon btw. The boy's gonna break quite a number of hearts once he grows up~

Just click on the image to look at a larger size of the pic

However, my baby's still the cutest in my heart~

Looking at him, my baby looks more Korean that lil' Mason~ Currently, my Cupan (nickname we gave him) is crawling and learning how to walk~

Why is it mixed kids look totally gorgeous even if their parents are not? You just have to turn on Indonesian channels and you'll find a lot of these halfies on screen. I don't get it, they play characters that are totally Indonesian but they don't even look remotely like one - most of them look Eurasian or Caucasian with no features of an Asian except for their dark hair and eyes. That said, I don't have anything against them - they're fantastic eye candy~

Moving onto my personal life - same old, same old. Nothings change - still bored out of my mind and my shoes collection is increasing. Just bought three pair of shoes the other day just to relieve my boredom. Also went to watch InkHeart with Zat and Nas on Chinese New Year - sorry guys no pics of that time uploaded since it didn't turn out well (meaning I didn't look my best in the shot ^0^) Heheheh~ There goes my resolution of not spending any more money~ For an unemployed, I sure got lots of cash to waste~ Ahh, thank goodness for all those penny pinching years~ Di simpan batah2 apa jua gunanya, the value of money is decreasing, you can buy less goods with the same amount, so why not blow it off on stuff you like now rather than regret on missing out on the opportunity?~ That was a rhetorical question btw (~_~)

My latest job interview went well and hopefully they'll contact me later with a happy news!~

With that I end my post for today~

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