Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm.... Psychic?

Guys, guys, know what? Well, I'll tell you anyways even if don't wanna know - I think I have a slight ESP power!~ Heheheh~ Well, either that or people I know are picking up on my signals. You see, I came to this conclusion from the accumulation of a couple of things that happened recently:

1) I was craving for chicken and more specifically, nasi lemak dengan ayam, and didn't know the best place for one. So I settled for just ordering pizza hut chicken wings and eating it with rice. Skalinya when I ordered, they don't have any in stock! WT*! Ada ayam pun mesti berorder nunggu stock, and it's not like the place was out of chicken for the day - it was for a whole week! Aish, nda ku paham eh cemana durang ani berbisnes. Siasiapun saja ku menalan aing liur~ And then... Dun dun dun (lagu suspen untuk menaikkan shiok)... when I woke up this afternoon there was nasi lemak with ayam and an extra bonus of telor mashin on the dining table!~ Not only that, there was also nasi ayam~ Huahahahah~ Somehow my mom's radar picked up on my craving (I didn't breathe a word about it to her, I swear~) and bought them for me and my siblings. There was nasi katok also but my bro polished that off.

Nasi lemak for Lunch and Nasi Ayam for dinner~

2) I was preparing for my interview for an administrative post and decided to pull out my management notes from my uni days. Somehow I ended up reminiscing of the time my lecturer was showing us a video on the fall of Enron and there's this one part which showed a botched attempt at interviewing John Mayo, one of the perpretator of the whole scam. That led me to the name we stuck on one of my Havelockian housemates, I forgot who it was we tacked the name on or why we invented it in the first place - 'Joanna Mayo'. And then... Dun dun dun (heheh saja)... when I checked my shoutbox, on the right side of this blog, today - there was this message from Nonoi, an ex-housemate, telling me that Joanna Mayo couldn't make it to a get together she planned for us. How freakily coincidental was that?!

Fuyoo~ thus was how I ended up being psychic~ Hahahahahah~

Thank you for for putting up with my ramblings~

With that, I'm goin' to bed even though it's already the next day now (I started at 11.30pm Wed nite and now it's 12.10am Thurs morn~)

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