Heheh speaking of my friend's blog, Nonoi has a candid view of life posted on her blog. Hahah seems like she's been doing some growing up and thinking of her future nowadays - sampai2 angan2 udah tua nanti kan jadi tauke taugeh (try saying that repeatedly without pause ^o^) Hahah sori lah tu Noi, definitely bukan ko punya consumer tah ku tu jadinya. And thanks for the advice of 8% investment of $735.62 monthly in order to be a Millionaire by the time I retire~ Hahah rasanya I can't start on that in my current situation but hopefully soon~
She also posted some stuff about Twilight and knowing her penchant for Macho guys, I know the movie ain't her taste. In contrast, Zat is still mooning about Edward Cullen to the point of obsession (-_-''') and I don't blame her, the guy playing him is seriously cute~ Hahah kira Menkui tah aku ni. That's a japanese word literally meaning 'face-eater' - translation: liking people for their looks. Hahah, atu baru shallow berabis aku ah. Tapi pedah jua mua lawa klo perangai macam setan, so ppl be careful of all the setans yang bertopengkan manusia mua lawa~ Bagi yang perasan diri lawa atu jangan ambil hati, I didn't mean kamu atu setan tapi only some yang take advantage of their own looks atu yang mesti kamu cautious tu~ Apakan aku ah... jauh lari topik ku - how the heck did I get here from talking about a movie?
To another friend of mine, Amal - welcome to my blog. Here you will find snippets of my life as well as my family's. And also of various topics yang merapu lagi merapik only understood by those who knows me well. Aiii~ aku mau gathering smua geng2 ku on one of these days and hang out somewhere where kami smua bleh bergila. Havelockians~ bila lagi kitani kan jumpa?!
Text me ppl and let's minum2~
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