Actually nothing much happened. The only highlights were my babies datang melawat yesterday and I rocked baby boy to sleep; and the hang out I had with Zat. We talked a storm about our life and since nothing happening to me most of the chat was focussed on Zat. Nas was supposed to join us tapi belacan banar anak atu, tertido ia padahal she's the one yang plan the get together on Sat ptg. Hahaha~ well you gotta roll with the situation and I think Zat and I made the best of it even though it was only the two of us. Heheh Zat still has her fringe clipped on since she claimed she made a mess of cutting it (she didn't let me see it in all its short glory ^u^) and she looked adorable in her black jacket and her whole look is quite 'Twilight'ish even though she had been cultivating her look far back before the movie came out. I think you'll blend right in Zat with the cast and that's a compliment in case you're wondering~
My niece had her first day in Kindergarten on Tuesday~ Hahaha her mum said she looked macam tong when she first tried out her school uniform~ Iatah kena tambah ribbon bajunya to distract from her bunalness~ She's an adorable darling, that one, and she made us laugh too when her mom related the story of how she dengan bangganya greeted "Wazyoname" (What's your name) to her Lambak grandparents, showing off what she learnt on her first day of school~ Ahaks! Lawak budak atu~
So to compensate the lack of content, here's a bunch of pics for your viewing pleasure:
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