Me: Eh, Eminem ada kluar lagu baru sama 50 cent dan entahsapakan (Hey, apparently Eminem has a new single out with 50 cents and whatsisname)
Bro: Iakah? Apa namanya? (Really? What's it called?) *actually not that interested but still melayan*
Me: Crack a Bottle, nda pernah pun ku dangar main d radio (Crack a Bottle, never heard it played on the radio though)
Bro: *continues watching TV, not really listening*
Me: *still talking as if anyones listening* Tau ku ni klo kena main gerenti bunyinya - toot, toot, tooooot, toot~ (I know that if this ever plays on the airwaves, it's guaranteed to sound like this - bleep, bleep, bleeeeep, bleep~)
Bro: *looks over questioningly*
Me: Hahaha~ sbb luan banyak kan di censored~ (Hahaha~ 'coz the lyrics have to be censored~)
Bro: ...
Watching Wheels of Fortune Malaysian version. The words were:
P _ R _ G _ W _ T I / T _ R _ _ _ _ _
Me: Hmmm, I know the first one is Peragawati (Model), but what can be associated with that?
Sis: Usually what they model right? Like clothes or car or accessories
Me: It doesn't fit
Sis: *takes a drink*
Me: *Not really thinking at all, but spouting whatever comes to mind* I know! Peragawati Terencat (Retarded Model)!
Sis, Bro and other Bro: ... *looked at me speechlessly*
Sis: *shakes head in amazement as if wondering how the heck we were related*
Bros: *laughed their head off*
.... the answer was actually PERAGAWATI TERKENAL....
Was driving a friend home from a night out at the movies - after denting my mom's car on the way...
Peep: You sure seem comfortable driving around places, how'd you get so confident?
Me: Just start driving to familiar places everyday. Once you're confident about driving there, you can venture out to drive farther - maybe you can drive along the highway during off peak hours, I find that relaxing
Peep: Oh~ *nods head then changes topic* Is this your first accident?
Me: ... *silent for a while*
Me: Wellll... If you count this as on the road... then yes... *smiles in assurance~*
Peep: ... *hand tightens on seatbelt*
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