Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wow! Batah panya nda berupdate...

Hohoho~ I didn't notice it was almost three weeks since the last update. It felt like it was just yesterday I posted my last entry. This can all be blamed on the compulsory course that I had to take in the last three weeks and is still ongoing just until before the Sultan's birthday. I had to go on a three day two nights Outwards Bound trip to Temburong which was both a great and hellish adventure for me whose roughest adventure was touring London all alone by my loneself~

I finally experienced how to float (which was a miracle since I tend to sink like a rock in water), went Kayaking (for four friggin' hours!), how to set up a tent (I held the torchlight, which was very very important :P), went camping outdoors (I found out that camp = sauna) and made new friends. The camping experience was actually kinda pathetic since we didn't really rough it out in the wild but just based our camping site a bit off from our sleeping quarter (something like a chicken coop just bigger) and the shower and toilet building. The rest of the course was sometimes okay and sometimes it was just all I can do not to fall of my seat trying to stay awake. So I guess its going pretty well since I did not actually fall asleep~ heheheheh~

With the volatile weather we're having lately, I became one of the victims of the changing temperatures like many others. I fell sick with the climax of having a fever of around 38.4 degrees Celcius. It started with the usual suspects of dry throat, then coughing, then phlegm got into the equation together with a blocked nose. I managed to get by in Temburong which included an episode of lost voice for a day. All my symptoms then looked like they were disappearing at the end of the one week I've had them, I was left with minor coughing for a few days after that. Then BAM! My temperature just spiked last Thursday and all I wanted to do was lie in bed all day and sleep - Mom brought me to a private clinic and I was prescribed a list of assorted pills and capsules and a bottle of cough syrup. I'm all okay now, with the slight cough now and then but well on my road to recovery~

I guess thats all thats happening in my life currently. I haven't been able to meet up with my peeps for as long as the course had been going on, a few of our plans got cancelled or I can't make it so the only one I've been able to meet so far is Zat over lunch a couple of times last week. We did talk but its always more fun when the whole group is there for a few hours of chatfest. Just call me guys! I'm free this weekend!

I think....

And before I sign off~ a bit of good news~ My Da relented and finally I got the car I wanted on the first week of July! Yesssssss! I still got some issues regarding the loan period to iron out but that small small matter meh~ Bottom line: I got my car!~

I'll worry about the payments tomorrow...

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