And now I'm back working albeit in a different unit as my group is to be rotated within our first six months of employment. After that, I'm take the exams to be permanently appointed and then who knows where I'll be 'kena humban'. I've received my first task in my new unit yesterday's yesterday, it was nothing heavy like the one I got in my previous one and my superior was quite accomodating and gave me a few days to acclimate myself to the new environment. All in all, I would say life's good... for now~
As for those of you who wanted to take a look at my car... sori ler~ I don't wanna post a pic of it here since aku takut kena recognise on the road and whenever I deviate from the law, some may know me from the pics I've posted and then one thing will lead to another and I'll end up with a broken something. Heheheh, as you can surmise from that, I am not a really good driver. Anyone who have seen me drive knows that - fact is, I barely managed to pass my driving test some 4 years ago and that was I think because the instructure gave up on me and pass kan aku saja for the sake of 'nda ku mliat mua anak ani lagi eh'. Well that's my theory lah~
If you guys really wanna know the type of driver I am, you have to conduct a long term study - because I am not consistent. There are days when I totally follow all the rules and drive within the limit but as much as days when I totally say 'to heck with it all' and drove zigzagging through the traffic without as much as a signal light on. I have to say though I've somewhat improved and my driving is smoother now than when I first started, although my sister complained that I've always taken a corner with too much speed than she thought was safe. Che, what does she know? The by-the-book newbie driver....
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