Monday, August 10, 2009

Life's Good~

Hiya all~ although i know i don't have a big following but knowing that there are people reading this crappy piece of journalistic endeavor i call a blog somewhat makes me happy~

I don't have anything to update actually, life is the same as always - wake up, go to work, go home, eat, sleep. I'm kinda settled in already with this routine, which on some days are fine by me but on others I get a little sick of it. Biasalah, humans~ nda pandai satisfied all the time~ heheheh~ But all in all, as the title says: "Life's Good" heheh~ sorry LG, copyright sikit~

I managed to save a bit of my income in various banks, but the amount is still not what I have in mind - well, not if I wanted to be a millionnaire by the time I'm 30. But at least adalah jua sikit masuk bank dari nada kan? It's all due to the fact that now I have to loan out another car for my sister on top of having incurred extra expenses from shelling out for a new air-conditioner (alang2 mbli, baik tah yang high end rite?) and dispensing machine for the upcoming raya. Of course, add in the 1/3 for my parents (wajib ni, wajib!! for those yg nda mbagi, baik tah start - not only it helps them out financially, it also makes you feel good to finally do something in return for all those years they spent on melayan karenah kami dari damit sampai ke basar). So in all, I have about less than 1/4 of my net gaji to spend on me for this month and the next. Tolak lagi duit minyak... aduhai~ cukup2 lah pakai makan hari2~ Nasib lah puasa nda lagi batah, so ada jua lah sikit for entertainment purposes (keluar hang out with my peeps, tengok wayang, bli kain~).

One thing i noticed is that since I'm in the working generation, I keep spending on buying kain. I'm not really a fashionista yang suka berfesyen with kain baju kurung, you know the type that tukar2 trend - this month kain kipas and baju kisi, next kain payung and baju manik2 -kinda girl. But lately, most of my misc expenses lari ke kain. Baru terasa yang baju yg dlm closet atu nda banyak, balik2 makai nda jua best. Dulu time raya kanya baru kan motong baru but now, every month udah mbeli and motong~ Huhuhu~ I think I have to moderate lah my kain spending - kan roboh udah my closet atu nda cukup space~

So now, I'm waiting for October to roll around and finally have those pesky extra expenses to shove away and spend more on stuff that i wanted. Not that I have anything in mind right now - I've just bought the new iPod nano 4G in purple since that's the only colour that caught my eye, I would've prefered it in bright #004466 (google it if you wanna know) - its the the colour of a pair of my shoes which I will post up soon since i'm in my office and i don't have it with me. My previous iPod got drowned in Temburong~ I forgot I have it in my pants pocket when we went for floating lessons and it got submerged for two hours~ It was just as well, since I've been eyeing the new iPod 4G for sometime now but am too karit to buy it when i have a perfectly working mp3 player. So most probably now, I'll be stocking up my shopping list with iPod accessories since the previous accessories doesn't fit anymore -larger screen and different scroll positon, not to mention slimmer body.

For my peeps: I think I'm free this Sunday 16/08, so just contact me if udah ada confirmed plan to go for soto and/or ambuyat~ I'm also free weekday evenings after keraja, as long as nda akhir balik (marah krg mama~).

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