Monday, August 17, 2009

My new baby

As promised, this is (one of) the newest addition to my family~

The actual colour is a shiny chrome-like purple but apa jua camera digital, this is the best shot I have of it. I love the fact that it can play videos although the first time ku cuba upload nda mau. Thank goodness for Google, all I did was follow the instructions and voila! it works like a charm~ So to test the video capability, I downloaded Twilight (heheheh saja kan menjeleskan kamu2 yang minat this vampire movie) and uploaded it to my new baby - it was better than I expected and I could see the detail clearly as if I'm watching at the cinema. The screen was small (duh!) but for me it was the right size since it allows me to discreetly watch a video while I'm uh... in 'official capacity'~ heheheh~

I watched Wanted again just because of its a cool movie to watch while I'm queuing in the bank while waiting for my turn. Since its fast paced it feels like time is flying by so by the time my number was called, instead of being relieved, i got annoyed at being cut off~ hahaha~

This is actually the colour that I want for my baby. But its supposed to have a more greenish tint to it which didn't show in the pic. Apple should have that option of having the iPod colour customised - sure it ould cost more but I bet there are people out there who are willing to pay.

Speaking of payments, I think I will apply for a Baiduri Visa Debit card next month so I'll be able to shop online since my HSBC debit card only have a few pounds left~ There are so many books I've yet to sample! So tunggu next month, I'll go crazy shopping online~ Muahahahaha~

Ooppss~ gotta go~ lunch is calling me~


Unknown said...

Bukannya lunch is calling?Brunch is calling..hehehe

Venus said...

mana gambar-gambar makanan masa tane hang out? LoL. Ku kan beli jua ipod ah. Jeles ku kan kau. Bukannya ipod eh, cEdward ah~~ hahahaha

Han.2 said...

Hahaha Lunch and Brunch sama saja ler~ dua2 pun makan~

Han.2 said...

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