Sunday, April 26, 2009

Nothing much

After all the excitement of finally getting a job settled down, life pretty much continued on in the same vein. My 2nd eldest brother got around to buying me and the youngest in the family sushi at Escapade last Friday, don't know what got into him but I am not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. As someone else was paying, one should not waste his generosity and therefore one should endeavour to select the more expensive choice~ this is somewhat one of the many motto in my life that I go by and it should be everybody elses' too~ My little brother has a pretty much unadventurous palate and so went by his usual fare of tamago (che, what a waste). I had the chicken terayaki bento set and also tried the salmon and mayo sushi... it's an acquired taste is all I can say (ugh, I still can't believe I put an uncooked piece of fish into my mouth).

Let's see... what else happened. Oh yeah, Zat arranged a gathering of our usual bunch of high school mates but sadly only the two of us made it. The rest were either busy with exams coming up or tired from all the strenuos daily confrontation with hormonal teenagers at work. I don't know how teachers do it, having to put up with kids who are not even related to them - which is why I am not in the education profession that caters to below 18 years old. The way I see it, all those in teaching must belong to a secret organisation where they are sworn to a blood pact and then experimented to give them superpowers that can withstand any sh*t from puberty stricken beings called teenagers with their powers ranging from being psychic (knowing when notes are passed in class, or when somebody did something they weren't supposed to, etc) to creating illusions of authority that with a single look can instill fear and obedience. Of course these powers don't always work, as they are facing against entities that are unstable, unpredictable, and have pretty much almost always develop new strains of resistance for every measures taken against them. When all's said and done, I salute both sides, all that drama made my schooling years quite interesting if not enjoyable~

Hmmm... how the heck did I get off track from a meet with Zat to spewing stuff on kids and teaching? I have no idea but it's just one of those innate abilities that seems to be bestowed more on females - jumping from topic to topic that are totally unrelated. This comes in handy when you wanna distract someone from the fact that you just scraped the side of the car leaving yellow paint transfer that totally looked out of place on silver - that is not to say I have done so~. Let's just ignore that tidbit and go back to what I was supposed to be yapping on.

We had lunch, Zat and I, and as usual when we get together, a gossip session followed through in which I gleaned useless bits of info that I somehow managed to store in my head (how come I can never remember names? |||~_~) and we watched the movie 'He's just not that into you'. Truthfully, I have my doubts whether or not I wanna watch this one, the trailer was not very enticing even though I've heard great reviews on it and the multitude of main characters was not something I look forward to (I forget names remember~). However I found myself enjoying the movie, it was different from my usual fare of slapstick humour and action fantasy adventures, but it was fresh and enjoyable and I like how the ending tied up all the conflicts, managing to show how the characters have developed and matured and everybody gets what they just deserts without that unrealistic faiytale ending of HEA.

On top of that, I finally watched 'Superhero Movie', the one that spoofed 'Spiderman'. Although I generally find recent spoofs quite boringly dependant of gags that are overdone and basically run out of its course - this one was not as bad as I thought it would be. There were some really funny scenes which managed to overcome all the bad ones. It got me thinking, with the phenomenal success of the Twilight movie, how come I haven't heard of anything in regards to a parody being made of it? Although it would result in not a few toes being stepped on (there are some who are quite fanatical on the book and movie who would just kill anybody who dares to sacrilege the original) but if it was done tastefully - think of 'The Princess Bride' and 'Robinhood: Men in Tights' rather than the latest three installments of Scary Movie, the Date Movie and the Epic Movie - I would love to watch an uncool but still adorable Edward and an accident-prone Bella on screen. Hopefully that will come to fruition.

Well people, I've got to go. Toodaloo!~

(Seriously, that big glass of Ribena I've had is wrecking it's revenge on me now~)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Happy Happy~~~

Yes people~ I am currently in my happy mode - which for those who don't know me well enough, is quite a scary sight to behold~

The reason for this is... drum roll please!

I FINALLY GOT A JOB! Well, a paying one that is since I'm currently a non-paid chauffeur/homesitter/entertainment provider/foods and beverages (of the snacking kind) supplier and a babysitter - which while on the whole I think is impressive, is not so on paper. I went through the usual medical check today after receiving the offer letter yesterday and will get the results a month from now which is so not good 'coz I have to inform my employers of my acceptance together with my bill of health within 4 weeks - I already lost one week due to the literally snail mail procedures. I guess I'll have to go and see them bosses soon to explain for the delay.

Although I'm really happy being finally able to get off my ass and do some real money making, there's a bit of doubt as to my capabilities in handling serious stuff. I'm not known as a loon without a reason - it's my powers of suppressing all the bad things I don't wanna deal with that makes me appear laid-back and able to do crazy stunts like doing a 200 on the highway with traffic left and right~. I guess I'll just go with the flow and see where this route will take me - if it didn't turn out as I want it to be as you know, sh*t happens, then I'll try make the best of the situation. If that fails, I will always have reasons to go shopping for retail therapy~ heheheh~

I got my hair cut again but just the front part since my bangs keep poking me in the eyes and I wanna show off my ear piercings. Let me tell you - if you have fine straight hair, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, try to cut your bangs at a level above your eyebrows and then proceed to have the hair framing your face cut in shorter layers just above your ears... the result... I now have shaggy hair due to the fact that my hair type is fine and so it's shortness makes it go all over the place without the length to weigh it down to its supposed style. Thank goodness for the vanity of the male half of the population though - I can easily obtain a styling gel that allows me to shape it whatever mood I'm in and being me, I have to go all out and buy the hair creams, conditioner and shampoo as well.

For my peeps, I'll be in isolation and out of contact until I grow my hair back to my liking...


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


the newest addition to the family~ Mohammad Eshmat NorAiman~ currently one week, 5 days old

On another note, the rainy weather has literally put a damper on things. My dad did sumthing with the roof over part of my room in his quest to rid of the rodents that decided to become roomies - however it made that part of the roof vulnerable to the force of nature. So now I'm spendin' rainy days mopping up the leaks and watching rainwater fall into buckets. It's not bad though, at least I'm not swimming in my own room as what i saw on TV during the flood season a couple months back. And now I have something to do rather than sit on my butt all day watching grass grow~

Speaking of butts, I landed on mine a few days ago. I kinda forgot that it had rained the night before and that I had the floor wiped afterward. Good thing I didn't knock my head or I would have had a seriously major headache by now. Well, at least it didn't leave a bruise although I'm feeling the effects.

This had me thinking - am I clumsy? I've been getting into near mishaps for all my life and even had some not so near ones. When I was a kid, around 5-6, I accidentally cut my wrist with a pair of scissors - no, I was not suicidal - it was more of a running with scissors type of situation and it was more of a 'gouged out' rather than cut. I remembered seeing my own bleeding wrist with a small part of my flesh visible and feeling a bit faint from sight of blood. Until now I still can't stomach the sight of my own blood, I'm okay with everybody else's though~

Let's see, what other calamities did I went throughout my life: I cut my foot when I was playing gymnastics and crashed into the corner of the mirror (almost sliced it - that would make wearing open sandals a no-no which would make me very upset indeed); I bumped my skull open onto a pipe while washing my hair and boy, did that make my head spin for a few hours but it was nothing a few bandages couldn't fix (p.s. let me tell u, it was tough removing all those plasters from hair and a lot of them too) (p.p.s. I must have a hard head 'coz I managed to live until now without any serious aftereffects - like internal bleeding and all the stuff u see on CSI); I fell off a tree; I fell down a flight of stairs; I was attacked by a rooster (which make eating all those chicken dishes my own personal sweet pleasure of revenge); I sprained my ankle while taking a small step (and it was really a small one that gets me from the hallway into the kitchen); and I sometimes trip over even surfaces that has no obstruction whatsoever. So, does that make me a klutz?

My conclusion is ... no, it doesn't. And I'm not in denial either (really, I'm not). I am merely unaware of my surroundings and I have a habit of 'mata tempat lain' - roughly translated into 'eyes elsewhere', meaning I don't pay attention to whats in front of me. So I think that if I fix this bad habit of mine, I believe that I will be in much less dangerous circumstances.

Well, good luck with that.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

For my Twilight peeps out there... u know who u are~ (^0^)

I have nothing else to blab about today so I'll just post something I picked up from the E! channel for my friends who are fans of the film. Just a sneak peek of the sequel, 'New Moon', set~~~

Just click on the link: New Moon set

While browsing the site, I've only found out that apparently there have been rumors of a rabu-rabu (love as pronounced by Japanese~) in the set: R.P. is supposedly have a thing for K.S. but the latter is still involved in a relationship which was said to be on the rocks. However K.S. and her boyfriend have denied of having trouble in paradise. Dun dun dun ~ ~ ~ ah well, that's as far as I heard but it made me curious enough to watch the movie again and youtubed clips between the two to gauge the chemistry between them as well as download the draft copy of 'Midnight Sun' from the author's site. Hahaha~ this is what u get for having nothing else to do~

I leave you with a video of Super Junior's newest MV "Sorry Sorry" - love the beat!~