Wednesday, April 8, 2009


the newest addition to the family~ Mohammad Eshmat NorAiman~ currently one week, 5 days old

On another note, the rainy weather has literally put a damper on things. My dad did sumthing with the roof over part of my room in his quest to rid of the rodents that decided to become roomies - however it made that part of the roof vulnerable to the force of nature. So now I'm spendin' rainy days mopping up the leaks and watching rainwater fall into buckets. It's not bad though, at least I'm not swimming in my own room as what i saw on TV during the flood season a couple months back. And now I have something to do rather than sit on my butt all day watching grass grow~

Speaking of butts, I landed on mine a few days ago. I kinda forgot that it had rained the night before and that I had the floor wiped afterward. Good thing I didn't knock my head or I would have had a seriously major headache by now. Well, at least it didn't leave a bruise although I'm feeling the effects.

This had me thinking - am I clumsy? I've been getting into near mishaps for all my life and even had some not so near ones. When I was a kid, around 5-6, I accidentally cut my wrist with a pair of scissors - no, I was not suicidal - it was more of a running with scissors type of situation and it was more of a 'gouged out' rather than cut. I remembered seeing my own bleeding wrist with a small part of my flesh visible and feeling a bit faint from sight of blood. Until now I still can't stomach the sight of my own blood, I'm okay with everybody else's though~

Let's see, what other calamities did I went throughout my life: I cut my foot when I was playing gymnastics and crashed into the corner of the mirror (almost sliced it - that would make wearing open sandals a no-no which would make me very upset indeed); I bumped my skull open onto a pipe while washing my hair and boy, did that make my head spin for a few hours but it was nothing a few bandages couldn't fix (p.s. let me tell u, it was tough removing all those plasters from hair and a lot of them too) (p.p.s. I must have a hard head 'coz I managed to live until now without any serious aftereffects - like internal bleeding and all the stuff u see on CSI); I fell off a tree; I fell down a flight of stairs; I was attacked by a rooster (which make eating all those chicken dishes my own personal sweet pleasure of revenge); I sprained my ankle while taking a small step (and it was really a small one that gets me from the hallway into the kitchen); and I sometimes trip over even surfaces that has no obstruction whatsoever. So, does that make me a klutz?

My conclusion is ... no, it doesn't. And I'm not in denial either (really, I'm not). I am merely unaware of my surroundings and I have a habit of 'mata tempat lain' - roughly translated into 'eyes elsewhere', meaning I don't pay attention to whats in front of me. So I think that if I fix this bad habit of mine, I believe that I will be in much less dangerous circumstances.

Well, good luck with that.

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