Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Happy Happy~~~

Yes people~ I am currently in my happy mode - which for those who don't know me well enough, is quite a scary sight to behold~

The reason for this is... drum roll please!

I FINALLY GOT A JOB! Well, a paying one that is since I'm currently a non-paid chauffeur/homesitter/entertainment provider/foods and beverages (of the snacking kind) supplier and a babysitter - which while on the whole I think is impressive, is not so on paper. I went through the usual medical check today after receiving the offer letter yesterday and will get the results a month from now which is so not good 'coz I have to inform my employers of my acceptance together with my bill of health within 4 weeks - I already lost one week due to the literally snail mail procedures. I guess I'll have to go and see them bosses soon to explain for the delay.

Although I'm really happy being finally able to get off my ass and do some real money making, there's a bit of doubt as to my capabilities in handling serious stuff. I'm not known as a loon without a reason - it's my powers of suppressing all the bad things I don't wanna deal with that makes me appear laid-back and able to do crazy stunts like doing a 200 on the highway with traffic left and right~. I guess I'll just go with the flow and see where this route will take me - if it didn't turn out as I want it to be as you know, sh*t happens, then I'll try make the best of the situation. If that fails, I will always have reasons to go shopping for retail therapy~ heheheh~

I got my hair cut again but just the front part since my bangs keep poking me in the eyes and I wanna show off my ear piercings. Let me tell you - if you have fine straight hair, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, try to cut your bangs at a level above your eyebrows and then proceed to have the hair framing your face cut in shorter layers just above your ears... the result... I now have shaggy hair due to the fact that my hair type is fine and so it's shortness makes it go all over the place without the length to weigh it down to its supposed style. Thank goodness for the vanity of the male half of the population though - I can easily obtain a styling gel that allows me to shape it whatever mood I'm in and being me, I have to go all out and buy the hair creams, conditioner and shampoo as well.

For my peeps, I'll be in isolation and out of contact until I grow my hair back to my liking...


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