Friday, June 5, 2009


N.B. I wrote this post a few days after my last one so there may be some parts that will seem ketinggalan:

I've picked up a new drama series the other day. It's been around for a while but has just caught my eye recently since it's been hyped up in the entertainment news. It's called FRINGE - referring to fringe science that just borders on the supernatural. It's like a blend of Medium and CSI, with an almost X-Files feel to it. The show consists of a few FBI agents, a couple of geniuses - one level-headed (kinda) and the other a mad scientist, a big bad corporation (aren't there always~), an underground lab, a different freakshow every episode and a bovine by the name of Jean... or Gem... or Gemma... I forget. Whatever. I've watched the first three episodes and I have to say it's very good at surprising you since you don't know whats coming every episode - it's unlike anything I've ever watched before (unless you're a government conspiracy theorist). And I like the protagonist's voice. Yes, I said voice. Something about the timbre of it caught me and hasn't let go since.

[New post: Huhuhu (T_T) I broke my HDD with all my latest Supernatural, Medium, Bones episodes, together with all my pics and movies inside... Sh*te. At least I have Fringe up until episode 7 in my thumbdrive but a new HDD is in order to store all latest acquisitions of series and movies. Let us have a moment of silence at this tragic loss...]

Other than TV shows, I've also caught up on my reading. Nothing work related, although I should start soon if I wanna keep my job. Most of my current reads are YA (Young Adult) fiction since I've missed out on them during my actual YA years - I was too busy then immersing myself in Romance novels and later *cough*18-SX*cough* materials in my attempt to learn about the bird and the bees and stuff that happens in between. We don't have sex ed classes back then, and I was a curious child so why not make the learning process enjoyable while I'm at it, non?

My current reads. I tried to mosaic the sticker I put on my shelf, just cause I wanna keep myself a bit mysterious but for those who know me it's quite obvious what it covers~And since all of the readers that I know of are all my peeps... there goes that mystery angle I was hoping for~

Let's get back to the topic at hand though - the last book that I've finished (as in 10 minutes ago) was one titled 'Beastly' by Alex Flinn. I liked it although there were parts that I thought seemed too similar to works on which the story was based - 'Beauty and the Beast'. This version was told from the Beast perspective which was interesting and gave a background account as to the reasons for the transformation without it seeming to be ridiculous and too far out, especially since it's set in contemporary New York. As usual, just Google it if you want to know more. It piqued me enough to buy it online. Partly because the original (Disney version rather than Grimms') is my favourite of all the fairytales - something about the Beast has my oestrogen level surging, probably due to the epitome of alpha male he portrays~

I've also read one Neil Gaiman book so far, 'The Graveyard Book', since I love the movie version of his other work 'StarDust'. Am told the book was even better but have yet to scourge for it, later when I have the time. The story was not bad, and full of the magic and dark...humour? undertones? I don't know exactly what it is but it has that dark something that's always associated with his stories. I found it dragging in some parts which I initially thought was unnecessary and made me want to skip them and rush forward to where the climatic scene starts. Turns out the draggy bits were sorta important but it didn't make it less so. I probably can dig it better if Tim Burton could translate this into his famous stop motion works.

There are others that I want to review on but I'll post them later since I don't feel like it now. It feels better to let out my thoughts on these works since I used to do so when I actually meet my friends and swapped reviews, but everyone's busy these days and so I have you guys to torture with my incessant chattering on stuff that nobody wants to know but I still want to bore you with.

Shut up and Put up.

(Cracks whip)


That brings me to the end of that post. Now in current time...

Am currently reading Book One of The Mortal Instruments series: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare - I'm about three quarters through it and it is satisfying so far. Probably will talk on this one on the next post along with a couple of books by Vivian Vande Velde (how's that for a name~). I will probably pick up a couple of romance later just to keep up to speed on my favourite authors' works, namely Linda Howard (something Angel, I didn't quite catch it) and Johanna Lindsey (something Seduction, I think), which I spied on the shelves this morning when I was browsing through the aisle at the bookstore. I didn't pick them up coz at the moment I'm quite broke and ruthfully it's the first time I ever felt so destitute.

Usually I have cash stashed somewhere or other but due to the long unemployment phase I went on a long shopping spree just cause I was bored out of my mind. I did relieve my boredom, but along the way it appears I also managed to relieve my senses and my money. So right now I only have the depositing balance left in all of my bank accounts, and only enough money in my wallet to cover my expenses until the end of this month providing I limit my entertainment to watching movies played in video stores' screen. Which leaves me the option of breaking poor froggy's head open below...

The sacrifice to be offered to the uber empty pockets of its owner

Hopefully I won't have to do that... yet.


Bashi said...


anyway … =w=

Quite a few books ^w^ I still got some in my book case in Brunei which I have yet to read. Wonder if they're collecting dust by now ? =w=

Han.2 said...

Hahaha~ kedapatan mbaca manga aku ah~ So totally not within my reading lists for my my job~