Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kesah budak yang menangis....

I was reading through an article in a magazine a few years back about the curse of the crying boy - it was said that whoever owns a piece of a painting depicting a crying boy will have bad fortune befallen on them, in the form of a fire burning their away their precious belongings. It was not a specific crying boy, but rather any picture of a crying kid. Eerily, my grandparents used to own one of these painting and I have no idea of the hows and the why since the myth of the crying boy curse originated in Britain, when a group of firemen were bewildered by a string of fires that somehow involved the victims owning a painting of a crying boy... Dan Dan Dan (creepy suspense sfx)... Below is the copy that my grandparents owned, although I don't know what happened to it - probably demolished along with my grandparents' place... hmm I wonder if the curse had anything to do with that... just kidding - I don't believe in curses, just coincidences (shrugs)

Speaking of crying boys, I had watched a Korean movie called 'Baby and I' starring this cute guy and a cuter baby. The poster does no justice to the cuteness of the baby, you have to watch the kid in action to fully gush of his adorableness (sapa mau? I have a copy of the movie in my HDD)~ Look at those large round eyes and that soft fine hair~ Awww~ He's half-Korean and half-Canadian which I guess attributes towards his looks, his name's Mason Moon btw. The boy's gonna break quite a number of hearts once he grows up~

Just click on the image to look at a larger size of the pic

However, my baby's still the cutest in my heart~

Looking at him, my baby looks more Korean that lil' Mason~ Currently, my Cupan (nickname we gave him) is crawling and learning how to walk~

Why is it mixed kids look totally gorgeous even if their parents are not? You just have to turn on Indonesian channels and you'll find a lot of these halfies on screen. I don't get it, they play characters that are totally Indonesian but they don't even look remotely like one - most of them look Eurasian or Caucasian with no features of an Asian except for their dark hair and eyes. That said, I don't have anything against them - they're fantastic eye candy~

Moving onto my personal life - same old, same old. Nothings change - still bored out of my mind and my shoes collection is increasing. Just bought three pair of shoes the other day just to relieve my boredom. Also went to watch InkHeart with Zat and Nas on Chinese New Year - sorry guys no pics of that time uploaded since it didn't turn out well (meaning I didn't look my best in the shot ^0^) Heheheh~ There goes my resolution of not spending any more money~ For an unemployed, I sure got lots of cash to waste~ Ahh, thank goodness for all those penny pinching years~ Di simpan batah2 apa jua gunanya, the value of money is decreasing, you can buy less goods with the same amount, so why not blow it off on stuff you like now rather than regret on missing out on the opportunity?~ That was a rhetorical question btw (~_~)

My latest job interview went well and hopefully they'll contact me later with a happy news!~

With that I end my post for today~

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm.... Psychic?

Guys, guys, know what? Well, I'll tell you anyways even if don't wanna know - I think I have a slight ESP power!~ Heheheh~ Well, either that or people I know are picking up on my signals. You see, I came to this conclusion from the accumulation of a couple of things that happened recently:

1) I was craving for chicken and more specifically, nasi lemak dengan ayam, and didn't know the best place for one. So I settled for just ordering pizza hut chicken wings and eating it with rice. Skalinya when I ordered, they don't have any in stock! WT*! Ada ayam pun mesti berorder nunggu stock, and it's not like the place was out of chicken for the day - it was for a whole week! Aish, nda ku paham eh cemana durang ani berbisnes. Siasiapun saja ku menalan aing liur~ And then... Dun dun dun (lagu suspen untuk menaikkan shiok)... when I woke up this afternoon there was nasi lemak with ayam and an extra bonus of telor mashin on the dining table!~ Not only that, there was also nasi ayam~ Huahahahah~ Somehow my mom's radar picked up on my craving (I didn't breathe a word about it to her, I swear~) and bought them for me and my siblings. There was nasi katok also but my bro polished that off.

Nasi lemak for Lunch and Nasi Ayam for dinner~

2) I was preparing for my interview for an administrative post and decided to pull out my management notes from my uni days. Somehow I ended up reminiscing of the time my lecturer was showing us a video on the fall of Enron and there's this one part which showed a botched attempt at interviewing John Mayo, one of the perpretator of the whole scam. That led me to the name we stuck on one of my Havelockian housemates, I forgot who it was we tacked the name on or why we invented it in the first place - 'Joanna Mayo'. And then... Dun dun dun (heheh saja)... when I checked my shoutbox, on the right side of this blog, today - there was this message from Nonoi, an ex-housemate, telling me that Joanna Mayo couldn't make it to a get together she planned for us. How freakily coincidental was that?!

Fuyoo~ thus was how I ended up being psychic~ Hahahahahah~

Thank you for for putting up with my ramblings~

With that, I'm goin' to bed even though it's already the next day now (I started at 11.30pm Wed nite and now it's 12.10am Thurs morn~)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Last Week

Let's see what happened last week... hmmm... as usual tido akhir bangun akhir, hahah ada sekali atu bangun pkl 6.30 pm padahal tido awal udah tu around 3.00 am (for me thats quite an early time to tuck in), should have woken up at 11.00 am cuz my sleep period is 8 hours to the dot usually. Entah lelah banar tah kali usulnya tido ~15 jam either that or I'm cutting short my life according to this email I got forwarded that extending sleep time over the prescribed 8 hours can shorten one's life :P

Actually nothing much happened. The only highlights were my babies datang melawat yesterday and I rocked baby boy to sleep; and the hang out I had with Zat. We talked a storm about our life and since nothing happening to me most of the chat was focussed on Zat. Nas was supposed to join us tapi belacan banar anak atu, tertido ia padahal she's the one yang plan the get together on Sat ptg. Hahaha~ well you gotta roll with the situation and I think Zat and I made the best of it even though it was only the two of us. Heheh Zat still has her fringe clipped on since she claimed she made a mess of cutting it (she didn't let me see it in all its short glory ^u^) and she looked adorable in her black jacket and her whole look is quite 'Twilight'ish even though she had been cultivating her look far back before the movie came out. I think you'll blend right in Zat with the cast and that's a compliment in case you're wondering~

My niece had her first day in Kindergarten on Tuesday~ Hahaha her mum said she looked macam tong when she first tried out her school uniform~ Iatah kena tambah ribbon bajunya to distract from her bunalness~ She's an adorable darling, that one, and she made us laugh too when her mom related the story of how she dengan bangganya greeted "Wazyoname" (What's your name) to her Lambak grandparents, showing off what she learnt on her first day of school~ Ahaks! Lawak budak atu~

So to compensate the lack of content, here's a bunch of pics for your viewing pleasure:

The niece and the uncle playing together~

Baby Boi majal babahnya kan naik basikal

Oh yeah... I did go to the cinema to watch Bedtime Stories with my sis on Wednesday. Good thing it was only $4 (ertinya sadang2 enjoyment factor nya), the movie was okay and I got a few laughs out of it. Lupa lagi ku tu aku meliat ngan my sis, I was like "eh, mliat kamu udah ceta Bedtime Stories?" and she stared at me for a few seconds before replying "Ia jua dangan ku mliat ah"~ Hahahah makin tua tah banar~

And these are the few of Batiks my mom are selling like hotcakes. Hahah buang boring ku nada gambar lain kan di post~

I love this pattern, but my mom already claimed it~

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ntah nda ku tau apa patut jadi title nya

I've just read my friend's blogs... sigh~ so jealous eh of them with their careers while I'm still watching the grass grow~ I was hoping to get a stable career by the end of last year but the new year has come and gone with me still doing nothing that adds to my own income. I still have a bit of money left from my savings but I don't wanna spend anymore than I already did. My own fault plang tu sbb luan betebiat kan apply kaja, apa2 pun hopefully ada reply soon from all those interviews and written tests I did last year.

Heheh speaking of my friend's blog, Nonoi has a candid view of life posted on her blog. Hahah seems like she's been doing some growing up and thinking of her future nowadays - sampai2 angan2 udah tua nanti kan jadi tauke taugeh (try saying that repeatedly without pause ^o^) Hahah sori lah tu Noi, definitely bukan ko punya consumer tah ku tu jadinya. And thanks for the advice of 8% investment of $735.62 monthly in order to be a Millionaire by the time I retire~ Hahah rasanya I can't start on that in my current situation but hopefully soon~

She also posted some stuff about Twilight and knowing her penchant for Macho guys, I know the movie ain't her taste. In contrast, Zat is still mooning about Edward Cullen to the point of obsession (-_-''') and I don't blame her, the guy playing him is seriously cute~ Hahah kira Menkui tah aku ni. That's a japanese word literally meaning 'face-eater' - translation: liking people for their looks. Hahah, atu baru shallow berabis aku ah. Tapi pedah jua mua lawa klo perangai macam setan, so ppl be careful of all the setans yang bertopengkan manusia mua lawa~ Bagi yang perasan diri lawa atu jangan ambil hati, I didn't mean kamu atu setan tapi only some yang take advantage of their own looks atu yang mesti kamu cautious tu~ Apakan aku ah... jauh lari topik ku - how the heck did I get here from talking about a movie?

To another friend of mine, Amal - welcome to my blog. Here you will find snippets of my life as well as my family's. And also of various topics yang merapu lagi merapik only understood by those who knows me well. Aiii~ aku mau gathering smua geng2 ku on one of these days and hang out somewhere where kami smua bleh bergila. Havelockians~ bila lagi kitani kan jumpa?!

Text me ppl and let's minum2~