Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pacah Parut (>u<)

Not literally, that would be disgusting and not to mention how that would traumatised me for life. Dum dum dum! ~ For your viewing pleasure~ :

The Original 'Gee' by Girls Generation

Infinity Challenge Parody

You guys should check out other Infinity Challenge's parody, they're so funny! Just check out the originals if you're not familiar with the parody version. They make me happy and all is well with the world again~

P.S. The books I ordered via The Book Depository arrived - in less than a week! which is so fast considering the location of this country. I recommend~ But hold that thought, heheh, 'coz I haven't actually went and picked them up from the Post Office yet so I don't know the condition they're in. Will go next week so I can combine with my other order from Amazon and save myself the second trip.

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