Sunday, May 10, 2009

Paperbacks and Money

My two favourite types of paper above all else~ I recently bought a few books off the internet having a rather hard time trying to find the titles I wanted in bookstores. Rather than wait for them to stock up (since they never seem to order the ones I wanted), I decided to take matters into my own hands. But ugh, I hate having to buy stuff online now based on the fact that it never gets delivered to my doorstep and I have to go all the way to the main post office to get them. And there I have to go through procedures before I get my stuff, they even had me ripped open the package in front of them just to make sure I wasn't ordering TNT. It makes for very uncomfortable moments when I have paperbacks with the lurid covers on them. Why can't they just deliver them straight to the recipients? Certainly not very servicable of them pssh~ Sigh~ I miss UK and its postal services (not to mention the cute delivery guy I get once in a while)~

I also have to consider the shipping and handling costs and taking into account that the country is located on an island somewhat off the radar of big shipping companies - it all amounts to a very, very expensive bill that can get me to cry a lot better than any of the tear jerking movies out there. I usually frequent eBay for stuff, but since my account got on the black list (that's another story for another day) I just head to Amazon (the website, not the jungle in Brazil - just to clarify). I prefer The Book Depository the best 'coz not only most of their books are cheaper than Amazon, they also have free shipping worldwide! I love you!

However, a few weeks ago my card didn't make it through their authorization system which I thought was because I had changed address to my current residence and didn't notify the card people. So I amended all my details and went back to my orders, but the card still got rejected. I figured that it's no longer valid for online transactions since I no longer reside in the country where I had it made. Out of desperation, I had to use Amazon instead since I really, really wanted them titles, spending way more on shipping than on my stuff - which made me cry a bit whenever I see the receipt (I had it shredded in glee when it came with the books).

So imagine my shock when, on a whim, I decided to order a few books from the site via the same procedures and voila - it came through and I ended up with more cash spent on a trilogy that I don't know if I would like or not (but here's hoping that its money well spent since they really got glowing reviews). And I was not joking when I said shocked - I could have thrown my laptop to the wall in frustration thinking about if I had just waited for a bit I could have saved a bit of money on shipping costs!

I feel better now after all that ranting and complaining. Probably more to come soon based on recent subtle tense undertone exchange of words on the choices of cars I've had with everybody, yes everybody in the household people, since they think what I drive is up to them to decide. They seem to forget that its MY MONEY that's gonna be spent. Ugh, here comes the waterworks again.

Excuse me while I lament on the state of my depleting resource of happiness...

In case you're wonderin', I meant money.


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