Makan d Escapade
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Uwaaah~ I've lots of stuff happenin' tapi i'll just update on a few of them and the rest biarlah rahsia~ Hahaha, more like too embarrassed to be told, just let a few of my close friends know the truth.
My bro's engagement ceremony went by without a hitch. The baju fesyen is okay but either the tailor made it a bit big or the fabric is just the type that stretches, it came out a bit big on me and didn't give a nice fit for me. So here it is, a pic of the three of us in our baju setusut and lil' Vina:

Went to watch Twilight on Christmas eve with Zat, Rab and Mas. Something happened on the way but I survived, and then we went to Escapade for dinner. The food's good but the price is increasing and somehow the rice is getting stickier and more squishy. Maybe they changed the cook or we got a serving of an early cooked batch that got more licak as time passes by. Entahlah. The movie is okay by me since I'm a fan of dark romance type but I guess for those thats not, you may want to avoid this one - you may find it a bit angsty for your taste. I read the synopsis for the rest of the series after Twilight and found it to be too dramatic for me -well its just the summaries on wikipedia anyway, who knows I might like it if I actually read the book.
I went to Miri on Saturday with my bro and his wife together with pops and mom. We went to the three 'always gotta go there' malls of Miri - Boulevard, Bintang and Parksons (not necessarily in that order). Spent most of the time with Mom and Pops rather than shopping for myself - part of my 'lay low' project to redeem myself due to the 'thing' that happened on Christmas eve, heheh~
Finished one of my craft projects - decorating my plain t-shirts with beads and hand sewn designs. It's not bad, I could add more colour but cepat keboringan aku ani so just let it as it is. I'll add more colours the next time I get bored.
My bro's engagement ceremony went by without a hitch. The baju fesyen is okay but either the tailor made it a bit big or the fabric is just the type that stretches, it came out a bit big on me and didn't give a nice fit for me. So here it is, a pic of the three of us in our baju setusut and lil' Vina:
Went to watch Twilight on Christmas eve with Zat, Rab and Mas. Something happened on the way but I survived, and then we went to Escapade for dinner. The food's good but the price is increasing and somehow the rice is getting stickier and more squishy. Maybe they changed the cook or we got a serving of an early cooked batch that got more licak as time passes by. Entahlah. The movie is okay by me since I'm a fan of dark romance type but I guess for those thats not, you may want to avoid this one - you may find it a bit angsty for your taste. I read the synopsis for the rest of the series after Twilight and found it to be too dramatic for me -well its just the summaries on wikipedia anyway, who knows I might like it if I actually read the book.
I went to Miri on Saturday with my bro and his wife together with pops and mom. We went to the three 'always gotta go there' malls of Miri - Boulevard, Bintang and Parksons (not necessarily in that order). Spent most of the time with Mom and Pops rather than shopping for myself - part of my 'lay low' project to redeem myself due to the 'thing' that happened on Christmas eve, heheh~
Finished one of my craft projects - decorating my plain t-shirts with beads and hand sewn designs. It's not bad, I could add more colour but cepat keboringan aku ani so just let it as it is. I'll add more colours the next time I get bored.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Macam2 point of views
Heh, it's been a busy week for me with my interview and my brother's engagement event coming up this Sunday. Nda plang sibuk banar tapi rasanya sibuk lah dari biasa in comparison to my usual of melayah dapan TV sambil munching on snacks~ I wanted to post sometime mid-week, usually Wednesday, but my modem was hogged by my brother and I didn't wanna get distracted by web-surfing in doing my preps, so now I got my interview outta the way and had a day of just doing nothing and de-stressing.
My interview didn't go well but that was my own fault for being soooo pessimistic and unprepared for the whole thing even though I got one week to prepare for it. I guess I went through a self-fulfilling prophecy of failing before I even went through the whole process, in addition of being freaked out after hearing the other interviewees chatting about the horrible experiences they had of being interviewed. But I did get something out of it - experience and ways to improve myself for the better next time. The guy who interviewed me was actually very accommodating and helpful so I thank him and the other lady for the valuable experience even though I have no idea who you guys were (and I hope I don't have the honor of meeting you guys face to face anytime soon or that you'll be able to recognize me if we ever meet again (>o<) No hard feelings 'kay~).
I got a response from a post I did on "Horror Stories" by some guy (I think it's a guy) who wanted me to contact him and gave me his e-mail addy and blogspot site - it turns out the guy was running a site on ghost stories with his blog being appropriately titled "Aku Suka Antu". So Bonedage if you're reading this I give you full blessings to cut and paste whatever it is you need from that post as long as you credited things to moi. I don't really wanna hand out my email to anyone since I only have one email addy for just my friends and business purposes. So hopefully you're reading this...
On another topic, my friend Sha has just returned to Brunei after completing her studies in Down-Under, yayy~ But she left for China this Wednesday for I don't know what business. But apa2 pun I wish her the best of luck with whatever she's pursuing, and don't forget to contact me if you want some yummy korean dramas~
My sis is currently going through her driving test course with little or no help from anybody at all~ heh heh~ Kes malas bangun pagi iatah paksa blajar sendiri --> that referring to me, her big sister yang kena suruh ajar her the basic driving skills. I think she went through her regulations test last night but not sure as to how she fared. She was studying for it the day before and seemed to me to be doing okay, no signs of stress. In fact she even had time to chat with my brother who was in another room:
Sis: Eh, mengapa display pic mu atu? Tukar jantina? (referring to my bro's display pic of a female korean entertainer of who he is a fan of)
Bro: ...
Bro: Blajar saja sana diam2
Heheh~ my family is a hoot~ If you guys are ever around you'll hear all sorts of spontaneous conversation that are funny as hell~ Entah dari mana datang nya phrase yang terkeluar dari mulut2 kami ani. I guess that's why when I'm with my friends I tend to tease them (kuat mengatil lah tu) just to see their reaction. They're quite a serious-faced bunch of people, reserved lah katakan - batah kan panas enjin iatah siuk kan mengacau. It's because I'm comfortable with them that I'm able to be a bit crazy. Thanks guys, without you I'll probably pop off my lid in one loud, big bang and ending up with my head rolling off my shoulders~
For those who don't know me, first impression are mostly (this being told to me by friends): Serious, Pemarah, Mature (huahaha, that cracked me up), Smart (lagi tia pacah parut ku), Intelligent (paham2 lah kamu tu reaction ku tu~)... and others of these nature. Frankly, I know I'm not stupid but I'm not as smart as people think I am - I get by on pure luck of knowing the right things at the right times (not always) and I actually am sanang kan di bawa ketawa, in fact I have a booming laugh that embarasses my sister when we're in public (^o^) ~
On that note of impressions, I came across this funny email forwarded to me of a girl's point of view on Bruneian relationships. I'll just post up some of the funnier things this girl has to say on the subject:
1. King & Queen control, semua tah kan di control nya. Baik tah bali kan kereta control. Kan control pun sadang2 la.
6. Partner gauk2 tawa2 kan be cali kana signal2. Kana cakapi "Bisai2 deh ulah atu!" aww sandi.
14. Mengusut kan mati. Barang damit pun kan di kusut kan.. air liur kucing melakat arah baju pun kan menangis.
21. Klayi dalam keta, drive laju2. Mesti di takan minyak tu! Pastu break ngajut. Plancit air liur rah cramin dapan. Cian. Sawan tia bnr.
23. Inda iklas melayan pasal hari hari jumpa. Baus bah mliat dh. Makin panjang bulu idung.
... dan lain-lain. Banyak plang lagi dicakapinya and you guys have to keep an open mind that this is only one girl's point of view, so jangan mudah terasa lah with some of her comments. I find it quite a refreshing perspective on relationships as opposed to the lovey-dovey types that I mostly observed of the people around me. If sapa2 wants the whole copy of the email, I still have it in my folder~
Apparently, most Koreans believe in the "blood-type myth" in looking for compatibility in their relationships. It is said that different blood types represent different personality, such as type B being stereotyped as players and should be avoided if you're looking for long-term relationship. This believe is so widespread that there's even a movie based on it and matchmaking agencies are even listing blood types as a category that clients should state in their profile and/or want in their list of characteristics they're looking for. If you guys want more info on what personality represent which blood type, just google it up. Heheh~ I lost the link of the site on blood type personalities, and I'm too lazy to google it for you~ Remember to check up on the funny comic strips on blood types (done by a Korean artist and translated by a couple of fans) while you're at it, they're hilarious takes on blood types personalities~
And with that, I'm signing off for the day~
My interview didn't go well but that was my own fault for being soooo pessimistic and unprepared for the whole thing even though I got one week to prepare for it. I guess I went through a self-fulfilling prophecy of failing before I even went through the whole process, in addition of being freaked out after hearing the other interviewees chatting about the horrible experiences they had of being interviewed. But I did get something out of it - experience and ways to improve myself for the better next time. The guy who interviewed me was actually very accommodating and helpful so I thank him and the other lady for the valuable experience even though I have no idea who you guys were (and I hope I don't have the honor of meeting you guys face to face anytime soon or that you'll be able to recognize me if we ever meet again (>o<) No hard feelings 'kay~).
I got a response from a post I did on "Horror Stories" by some guy (I think it's a guy) who wanted me to contact him and gave me his e-mail addy and blogspot site - it turns out the guy was running a site on ghost stories with his blog being appropriately titled "Aku Suka Antu". So Bonedage if you're reading this I give you full blessings to cut and paste whatever it is you need from that post as long as you credited things to moi. I don't really wanna hand out my email to anyone since I only have one email addy for just my friends and business purposes. So hopefully you're reading this...
On another topic, my friend Sha has just returned to Brunei after completing her studies in Down-Under, yayy~ But she left for China this Wednesday for I don't know what business. But apa2 pun I wish her the best of luck with whatever she's pursuing, and don't forget to contact me if you want some yummy korean dramas~
My sis is currently going through her driving test course with little or no help from anybody at all~ heh heh~ Kes malas bangun pagi iatah paksa blajar sendiri --> that referring to me, her big sister yang kena suruh ajar her the basic driving skills. I think she went through her regulations test last night but not sure as to how she fared. She was studying for it the day before and seemed to me to be doing okay, no signs of stress. In fact she even had time to chat with my brother who was in another room:
Sis: Eh, mengapa display pic mu atu? Tukar jantina? (referring to my bro's display pic of a female korean entertainer of who he is a fan of)
Bro: ...
Bro: Blajar saja sana diam2
Heheh~ my family is a hoot~ If you guys are ever around you'll hear all sorts of spontaneous conversation that are funny as hell~ Entah dari mana datang nya phrase yang terkeluar dari mulut2 kami ani. I guess that's why when I'm with my friends I tend to tease them (kuat mengatil lah tu) just to see their reaction. They're quite a serious-faced bunch of people, reserved lah katakan - batah kan panas enjin iatah siuk kan mengacau. It's because I'm comfortable with them that I'm able to be a bit crazy. Thanks guys, without you I'll probably pop off my lid in one loud, big bang and ending up with my head rolling off my shoulders~
For those who don't know me, first impression are mostly (this being told to me by friends): Serious, Pemarah, Mature (huahaha, that cracked me up), Smart (lagi tia pacah parut ku), Intelligent (paham2 lah kamu tu reaction ku tu~)... and others of these nature. Frankly, I know I'm not stupid but I'm not as smart as people think I am - I get by on pure luck of knowing the right things at the right times (not always) and I actually am sanang kan di bawa ketawa, in fact I have a booming laugh that embarasses my sister when we're in public (^o^) ~
On that note of impressions, I came across this funny email forwarded to me of a girl's point of view on Bruneian relationships. I'll just post up some of the funnier things this girl has to say on the subject:
1. King & Queen control, semua tah kan di control nya. Baik tah bali kan kereta control. Kan control pun sadang2 la.
6. Partner gauk2 tawa2 kan be cali kana signal2. Kana cakapi "Bisai2 deh ulah atu!" aww sandi.
14. Mengusut kan mati. Barang damit pun kan di kusut kan.. air liur kucing melakat arah baju pun kan menangis.
21. Klayi dalam keta, drive laju2. Mesti di takan minyak tu! Pastu break ngajut. Plancit air liur rah cramin dapan. Cian. Sawan tia bnr.
23. Inda iklas melayan pasal hari hari jumpa. Baus bah mliat dh. Makin panjang bulu idung.
... dan lain-lain. Banyak plang lagi dicakapinya and you guys have to keep an open mind that this is only one girl's point of view, so jangan mudah terasa lah with some of her comments. I find it quite a refreshing perspective on relationships as opposed to the lovey-dovey types that I mostly observed of the people around me. If sapa2 wants the whole copy of the email, I still have it in my folder~
Apparently, most Koreans believe in the "blood-type myth" in looking for compatibility in their relationships. It is said that different blood types represent different personality, such as type B being stereotyped as players and should be avoided if you're looking for long-term relationship. This believe is so widespread that there's even a movie based on it and matchmaking agencies are even listing blood types as a category that clients should state in their profile and/or want in their list of characteristics they're looking for. If you guys want more info on what personality represent which blood type, just google it up. Heheh~ I lost the link of the site on blood type personalities, and I'm too lazy to google it for you~ Remember to check up on the funny comic strips on blood types (done by a Korean artist and translated by a couple of fans) while you're at it, they're hilarious takes on blood types personalities~
And with that, I'm signing off for the day~
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Ntah hapa2 ntah...
I have no idea what to post this time but I think somehow it'll turn out to be a long one. That's a habit of mine, I tend to waffle a lot~ even about nothing~ Which is why in exams my essays are 3-5 pages long with only about 2 pages of real content. Hahahaha~ kesian my tutors terpaksa wade through all the useless crap to get to the main points. And somehow I've never been failed yet~ heheh jangan jeles~
Speaking of habits, I have this weird one of growling whenever I feel unhappy or rather unsatisfied with how things turn out. I have no idea when it started or why it started in the first place. I'm weird that way I guess. Hmmm.... maybe it started during my preternatural phase of vampires, werewolves, dragons, etc. Heheh, am still in that phase looking at the pile of paranormal based books I have and there are still a number I've bought but haven't yet read. Why is it when I have a lot of time in my hands I can never get things done? Like during these 6 months of graping, I still haven't finished reading those pile of books but when I'm pressed for time, I can easily finished 3 books of within a range of 300 - 500 pages in a day when I'm supposed to do something important first? Heheh~ there's an easy answer for that: PROCRASTINATOR~ huahuahua~
I'm addicted to korean shows lately, not just the dramas but the tv shows. 'Two days and One night' is my current favourite - the six hosts are just hilarious together and the way they interact with each other is refreshing, there's no script and they just say whatever they feel at the moment without having to resort to obscene expressions. The show is about six celebs of various fame (singer, host, comedian) put together and went to various locations for a 2 days and 1 night stay. They are given various challenges and the winning group (they are divided into two groups of three usually, but there are times when they are tested individually) get privileges such as staying in a room with a heater as opposed to the losing group's staying in a tent outside in the freezing temperature. Of course there are grumbles by the losing team but they are good-natured about it. The challenges are pretty far out and this is what makes the show fun, in one episode the hosts were asked to choose which one of the six fish-shaped buns actually contains raw fish filling instead of the usual red-bean paste and thay had to eat it in order to find out! Hahah~ pacah parut ketawa mliat muka org termakan roti bun berisi ikan mentah (on a side note: Ewwwww~)
I used to watch 'X-Man' on YouTube but it's hard to find ones with good subs and the new format is just not as funny as the previous one. Me and my mates, when we were in UK, were hooked at one period of time on 'X-Man' and I was the one who introduced them to the show, which I discovered... heheh... when I was supposed to research for materials for an assignment~ For those with Astro, you can catch 2D1N on Wed 11.20pm, ch303. Another one that I recommend is 'Star Golden Bell Challenge' on the same channel on Friday, at 10.30pm I think - not sure, just wait around from 10.00pm till 11.30pm, it'll sure start sometime within that time-frame~
Dang! Nyaman usulnya.... heheh sorry, I'm watching org makan kimbab (korean sushi) on TV at the moment and as per me, I'm writing whatever I think at the moment~ I do that a lot too, especially time mbuat assignment tapi at the same time mliat drama - slalu tertaip what I felt instead of the essay I'm supposed to complete~ Hahaha, iatah klo terbaca apa yg ku tulis before any edit kena buat, the end result is probably full of gibberish and nonsense yang langsung nda kena mengena dengan topik (^o^).
Dangit! Arghhhh! I'm changing the channel, gila nyaman berabis usulnya and I have nothing to eat to fill in the hunger.... makanan habis udah seeing as to now it's 1.00am Brunei time and I don't wanna stuff my face with light snacks. Paksa tah ku memasak mbuat late night/early morning snack ni... kurang asam punya TV programme...
Bah, got to go - heheheh nda dapat di tahan ni nyanyian perut ah. I leave you guys with a link to one of the sarciest (most sarcastic) and funny blogs I've ever come across of a guy who lived for more than 10 years (I think) in Osaka and has no problem making fun of the people, the culture, and well, almost everything (probably everything, no almost about it) of the land of the rising sun:
An Englishman in Osaka
See you later, alligators~
Oh, p.s. thanx Col for the 'Miss No Good' recommendation, am now downloading all available subbed episodes but still alum mliat satu pun~ heheh tunggu abis smua baru ku liat or tunggu time ku sibuk kaja baru tah ku sibuk kan mliat drama plg~
Speaking of habits, I have this weird one of growling whenever I feel unhappy or rather unsatisfied with how things turn out. I have no idea when it started or why it started in the first place. I'm weird that way I guess. Hmmm.... maybe it started during my preternatural phase of vampires, werewolves, dragons, etc. Heheh, am still in that phase looking at the pile of paranormal based books I have and there are still a number I've bought but haven't yet read. Why is it when I have a lot of time in my hands I can never get things done? Like during these 6 months of graping, I still haven't finished reading those pile of books but when I'm pressed for time, I can easily finished 3 books of within a range of 300 - 500 pages in a day when I'm supposed to do something important first? Heheh~ there's an easy answer for that: PROCRASTINATOR~ huahuahua~
I'm addicted to korean shows lately, not just the dramas but the tv shows. 'Two days and One night' is my current favourite - the six hosts are just hilarious together and the way they interact with each other is refreshing, there's no script and they just say whatever they feel at the moment without having to resort to obscene expressions. The show is about six celebs of various fame (singer, host, comedian) put together and went to various locations for a 2 days and 1 night stay. They are given various challenges and the winning group (they are divided into two groups of three usually, but there are times when they are tested individually) get privileges such as staying in a room with a heater as opposed to the losing group's staying in a tent outside in the freezing temperature. Of course there are grumbles by the losing team but they are good-natured about it. The challenges are pretty far out and this is what makes the show fun, in one episode the hosts were asked to choose which one of the six fish-shaped buns actually contains raw fish filling instead of the usual red-bean paste and thay had to eat it in order to find out! Hahah~ pacah parut ketawa mliat muka org termakan roti bun berisi ikan mentah (on a side note: Ewwwww~)
I used to watch 'X-Man' on YouTube but it's hard to find ones with good subs and the new format is just not as funny as the previous one. Me and my mates, when we were in UK, were hooked at one period of time on 'X-Man' and I was the one who introduced them to the show, which I discovered... heheh... when I was supposed to research for materials for an assignment~ For those with Astro, you can catch 2D1N on Wed 11.20pm, ch303. Another one that I recommend is 'Star Golden Bell Challenge' on the same channel on Friday, at 10.30pm I think - not sure, just wait around from 10.00pm till 11.30pm, it'll sure start sometime within that time-frame~
Dang! Nyaman usulnya.... heheh sorry, I'm watching org makan kimbab (korean sushi) on TV at the moment and as per me, I'm writing whatever I think at the moment~ I do that a lot too, especially time mbuat assignment tapi at the same time mliat drama - slalu tertaip what I felt instead of the essay I'm supposed to complete~ Hahaha, iatah klo terbaca apa yg ku tulis before any edit kena buat, the end result is probably full of gibberish and nonsense yang langsung nda kena mengena dengan topik (^o^).
Dangit! Arghhhh! I'm changing the channel, gila nyaman berabis usulnya and I have nothing to eat to fill in the hunger.... makanan habis udah seeing as to now it's 1.00am Brunei time and I don't wanna stuff my face with light snacks. Paksa tah ku memasak mbuat late night/early morning snack ni... kurang asam punya TV programme...
Bah, got to go - heheheh nda dapat di tahan ni nyanyian perut ah. I leave you guys with a link to one of the sarciest (most sarcastic) and funny blogs I've ever come across of a guy who lived for more than 10 years (I think) in Osaka and has no problem making fun of the people, the culture, and well, almost everything (probably everything, no almost about it) of the land of the rising sun:
An Englishman in Osaka
See you later, alligators~
Oh, p.s. thanx Col for the 'Miss No Good' recommendation, am now downloading all available subbed episodes but still alum mliat satu pun~ heheh tunggu abis smua baru ku liat or tunggu time ku sibuk kaja baru tah ku sibuk kan mliat drama plg~
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Wonder Girls, fashion, babies, etc~
Wonder Girls (WG) is a girl band group from Korea, and most of their songs are upbeat and catchy. And I especially enjoyed their funny music videos. This is their latest one, featuring JYP (Jin Young Park) the creator of WG:
Another one of WG's cute song - So Hot:
They're so addictive and lift up my mood~ If you catch me driving on the roads, you'll probably be seeing me singing to the song with the bass turned up high~ I got the songs in mp3 format if anyone wants them~ together with TVXQ's latest album, MIROTIC~ but I only liked the song Mirotic, the rest entahlah, probably I need to listen to them a few times to get the feel~...
I also got the Korean Drama: "Painter of the Wind" but not completed yet. It's about a girl that has to live as a boy in order to paint in ancient Korea (entah era yang mana, pokoknya tahun lama2 ala2 Jewel in the Palace atu lah). The story was initially luan dramatic for me at first coz the girl was so annoyingly hotheaded, making trouble where it could be avoided - but udah akhir2 ani makin shiok cetanya. I also got "Gokusen II", the rest of "How to Meet a Perfect Neighbour" dari episode brapa nda ku ingat tapi complete udah for those yg menculik cetaku dari dulu~ and I'm starting "Innocent Love" starring Horikita Maki, who starred in "Hana Kimi" as the main character. Eh banyak eh, ku list saja lah:
- Korean Movie: "Baby and I" pasal org gangster yg suddenly saddled with a baby
- Korean Movie: "My Mighty Princess" on a girl yg terlalu power payah cari boyfriend
- HK Movie: "Shaolin Girl" on a girl that can do Shaolin... huahahaha~ duh!
- Taiwan Drama: "Miss No Good" only random episodes - alum ku liat, mun lawa baru ku download lagi
- Japan Drama: "Guren Onna" gila-gila cetanya, ntah aku pun nda paham
- Japan Drama: "Shingehoshi" an embalmer with great abilities to restore the dead to their former physical form no matter how gruesome they died (Warning: Ada sikit 18SX)
- Japan Drama: "Oh! My Girl!" a guy suddenly being a guardian for his niece who is a big star
- US: "Supernatural" latest eps (currently on break, returns 15th Jan)
- US: "Bones" latest eps (currently on break, returns 15th Jan)
- US: "True Blood" season 01 complete
- US: "Pushing Daisies" latest eps
- dll... nada wah, saja bazirkan bullets~
I was busy at my bro's at Muara taking care of the babies that I didn't get the time to post. So this post will probably the dumping ground of the rest of this week's happenings~
My nephew, Effan, got a teething fever on Thursday and kept everyone awake the whole night. He was so clingy that I couldn't get him to lay him on his mattress and had, at one time, to sleep holding him. Alhamdulillah~ fever nya reda lepas sehari tapi kesian keluar red spots at some parts of his body - ala2 jerawat baru tumbuh~ My mom said its the aftereffects of the fever with the body trying to get rid of the heat.
On Friday went to a tailor with my mum and sis to make a set of three baju fesyen to be worn on my brother's engagement event next next sunday, 21st Dec. It was a last minute decision brought about by my sister wanting us to look setusut (satu suit - roughly meaning uniformed). She wanted to use a pink and this yellowish-brown (I don't know what else to call it) fabric but somehow the colour combination just didn't seem right to me. Dare I say it?... It's just... just... Ugly! Pheewww~ got that out of my chest... (jangan marah sis~) Finally we settled on a black and grey chiffon fabric with dark pink flowers, coupled with shiny kain. It's my first baju fesyen, so I don't know how it'll look on me~ I'll post up a pic later~
I was supposed to go to the job centre in Bandar with Zat, Mas and Rab this Sat. But due to several complications, they couldn't make it and had to cancel last minute. So I went by myself, and memandangkan aku ani nda brapa kenal area bandar tersesat ku sekajap salah masuk simpang ke Kota Batu plang ku. Jauh jalan ku baru ku terjumpa kadai untuk buat U-turn. Kuang kuang kuang~ Parking ku jauh sikit, belakang the red temple since aku nda brapa terer parking sideways depan tamu kianggeh atu heheheh... So, pigilah ku arah the centre, and asked for a form. Skalinya.... I didn't bring some of the necessary documents, kuang kuang kuang lagi skali on me~ which means that I have to go back there next week~
Since alang2 aku udah d bandar, I decided to take a look around. I went to the pusat perdagangan to see apa ada. Turns out mostly stuff that you see at small booths outside big stores like tudongs, bags and jewelries.
Then I went to drop off some stuff at a friend's house and having nothing else to do, went for a drive around. Last2 sampai ke Manggis and stopped at Hua Ho there for a breather from all that driving. Lucky me, I got a spot just outside the entrance door at the lower basement~
Whew~ from Batong to Mulaut to Bandar to Mentiri to Manggis to Telanai to Masin and lastly to Batong again~ Heheheh~
Next time: Tutong! Hahahahaha~ buang boring~
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Huahahahaha~ I've just found out that my blog reading level is : high school level~

Apa punya standard~ Tapi nda apa lah since I intended this blog to be light reading of my random thoughts. I've checked my alumni blog : BBA year 4 - Genius Level ler yo~
It seems that quite a few of my friends found out that I kept a blog... Heheheh kedapatan jua akhirnya. Sedikit embarrassed ku banarnya kan market blog ku ani since the contents are quite messy and follow no particular structure. But since you guys found out anyways, please enjoy reading until I grow tired of it~ Heheh~
Since I got nothing else better to do, I'll post up pictures of my venture to my uncle's place during the electricity blackout the other day (my house was the only one affected since the cause of the blackout was our own switch box):

Skalinya nada jua ada org d rumah. Actually my aunt yang house-sit the house for my uncle, her brother, who was at that time working in Jakarta, Indonesia. My aunt apparently was away at my grandpa's and terpaksalah ku sama bro ku (yang jadi model of the above pics) berhijrah mencari other relative yg d kampung. Last2 we went to my aunt's yang baru pindah to her new home 50m from the main road away from us. Kes malas~ start engine keta.... heheheh...
With that I end my post with a funny outlook on friends by a friend of mine, Nonoi:
"Setiap orang di dunia ini mempunyai kawan kerana menurut cikgu saya, sesiapa yang tidak mempunyai kawan diibaratkan ‘ambuk tunggal’. Oleh kerana saya tidak mahu digelar ambuk, saya juga mempunyai kawan. Ada sesetengah orang berkata mempunyai beberapa orang kawan yang sentiasa bersama kita di kala sedih dan gembira itu lebih baik daripada mempunyai ramai kawan yang hanya bersama kita apabila kita senang tetapi saya tidak bersetuju. Sekurang-kurangnya kita mempunyai kawan apabila kita gembira dan itu ada lah lebih baik daripada langsung tiada berkawan. Dan kita kembali semula kepada topik menjadi ambuk."
(, 2008)
P.S. Actually, it's not the end. Here's a link to Dynas Mokhtar's (who is a Malaysian actress) blog which also doubles as a website for her DnA line for you guys yang suka liat2 fashion: and don't forget to checkout JabbaWockeeZ on youTube - they're an awesome dance crew that my bro showcased on his blog~
Well, that's all folks~
Apa punya standard~ Tapi nda apa lah since I intended this blog to be light reading of my random thoughts. I've checked my alumni blog : BBA year 4 - Genius Level ler yo~
It seems that quite a few of my friends found out that I kept a blog... Heheheh kedapatan jua akhirnya. Sedikit embarrassed ku banarnya kan market blog ku ani since the contents are quite messy and follow no particular structure. But since you guys found out anyways, please enjoy reading until I grow tired of it~ Heheh~
Since I got nothing else better to do, I'll post up pictures of my venture to my uncle's place during the electricity blackout the other day (my house was the only one affected since the cause of the blackout was our own switch box):
Skalinya nada jua ada org d rumah. Actually my aunt yang house-sit the house for my uncle, her brother, who was at that time working in Jakarta, Indonesia. My aunt apparently was away at my grandpa's and terpaksalah ku sama bro ku (yang jadi model of the above pics) berhijrah mencari other relative yg d kampung. Last2 we went to my aunt's yang baru pindah to her new home 50m from the main road away from us. Kes malas~ start engine keta.... heheheh...
With that I end my post with a funny outlook on friends by a friend of mine, Nonoi:
"Setiap orang di dunia ini mempunyai kawan kerana menurut cikgu saya, sesiapa yang tidak mempunyai kawan diibaratkan ‘ambuk tunggal’. Oleh kerana saya tidak mahu digelar ambuk, saya juga mempunyai kawan. Ada sesetengah orang berkata mempunyai beberapa orang kawan yang sentiasa bersama kita di kala sedih dan gembira itu lebih baik daripada mempunyai ramai kawan yang hanya bersama kita apabila kita senang tetapi saya tidak bersetuju. Sekurang-kurangnya kita mempunyai kawan apabila kita gembira dan itu ada lah lebih baik daripada langsung tiada berkawan. Dan kita kembali semula kepada topik menjadi ambuk."
(, 2008)
P.S. Actually, it's not the end. Here's a link to Dynas Mokhtar's (who is a Malaysian actress) blog which also doubles as a website for her DnA line for you guys yang suka liat2 fashion: and don't forget to checkout JabbaWockeeZ on youTube - they're an awesome dance crew that my bro showcased on his blog~
Well, that's all folks~
Monday, December 1, 2008
As the title implies, I'm still hangin' - no job replies other than a few written tests, and I've also been hanging out with my friends. The studio photo was finally developed and the end result:
As you can see, there have been a few adjustments made. Tapi biasa ler, the photo studio ppl almost always do this - whiten the skin and removed all noticeable physical flaws. Klo ada jerawat, gerenti dengan magic nya muka anda akan jadi smooth, ala2 iklan before and after for beauty products kat TV gitu~ And for those who knows Masilah, notice the huge height difference - she's as tall as Zat! Huahahahaha~ Actually she's standing atop a block of wood in order to balance the picture~
Below are the pics taken from our latest rendezvous. We were actually gonna go to the labour department to register ourselves for jobs, but because of me n Nas mcm biasa betebiat so we arrived quite late at the office. But then, we found out that the office had been moved to Bandar and by the time we got there, the place was closed. Of course we could have made it since it was 1600 hrs and government offices were supposed to close at 1630 hrs. But org Brunei~ awal tah jua durang balik~ chiss~ (sori ah, bukan mengucap semua org Brunei, kanya most of us has this attitude).
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