Saturday, December 20, 2008

Macam2 point of views

Heh, it's been a busy week for me with my interview and my brother's engagement event coming up this Sunday. Nda plang sibuk banar tapi rasanya sibuk lah dari biasa in comparison to my usual of melayah dapan TV sambil munching on snacks~ I wanted to post sometime mid-week, usually Wednesday, but my modem was hogged by my brother and I didn't wanna get distracted by web-surfing in doing my preps, so now I got my interview outta the way and had a day of just doing nothing and de-stressing.

My interview didn't go well but that was my own fault for being soooo pessimistic and unprepared for the whole thing even though I got one week to prepare for it. I guess I went through a self-fulfilling prophecy of failing before I even went through the whole process, in addition of being freaked out after hearing the other interviewees chatting about the horrible experiences they had of being interviewed. But I did get something out of it - experience and ways to improve myself for the better next time. The guy who interviewed me was actually very accommodating and helpful so I thank him and the other lady for the valuable experience even though I have no idea who you guys were (and I hope I don't have the honor of meeting you guys face to face anytime soon or that you'll be able to recognize me if we ever meet again (>o<) No hard feelings 'kay~).

I got a response from a post I did on "Horror Stories" by some guy (I think it's a guy) who wanted me to contact him and gave me his e-mail addy and blogspot site - it turns out the guy was running a site on ghost stories with his blog being appropriately titled "Aku Suka Antu". So Bonedage if you're reading this I give you full blessings to cut and paste whatever it is you need from that post as long as you credited things to moi. I don't really wanna hand out my email to anyone since I only have one email addy for just my friends and business purposes. So hopefully you're reading this...

On another topic, my friend Sha has just returned to Brunei after completing her studies in Down-Under, yayy~ But she left for China this Wednesday for I don't know what business. But apa2 pun I wish her the best of luck with whatever she's pursuing, and don't forget to contact me if you want some yummy korean dramas~

My sis is currently going through her driving test course with little or no help from anybody at all~ heh heh~ Kes malas bangun pagi iatah paksa blajar sendiri --> that referring to me, her big sister yang kena suruh ajar her the basic driving skills. I think she went through her regulations test last night but not sure as to how she fared. She was studying for it the day before and seemed to me to be doing okay, no signs of stress. In fact she even had time to chat with my brother who was in another room:

Sis: Eh, mengapa display pic mu atu? Tukar jantina? (referring to my bro's display pic of a female korean entertainer of who he is a fan of)

Bro: ...

Bro: Blajar saja sana diam2

Heheh~ my family is a hoot~ If you guys are ever around you'll hear all sorts of spontaneous conversation that are funny as hell~ Entah dari mana datang nya phrase yang terkeluar dari mulut2 kami ani. I guess that's why when I'm with my friends I tend to tease them (kuat mengatil lah tu) just to see their reaction. They're quite a serious-faced bunch of people, reserved lah katakan - batah kan panas enjin iatah siuk kan mengacau. It's because I'm comfortable with them that I'm able to be a bit crazy. Thanks guys, without you I'll probably pop off my lid in one loud, big bang and ending up with my head rolling off my shoulders~

For those who don't know me, first impression are mostly (this being told to me by friends): Serious, Pemarah, Mature (huahaha, that cracked me up), Smart (lagi tia pacah parut ku), Intelligent (paham2 lah kamu tu reaction ku tu~)... and others of these nature. Frankly, I know I'm not stupid but I'm not as smart as people think I am - I get by on pure luck of knowing the right things at the right times (not always) and I actually am sanang kan di bawa ketawa, in fact I have a booming laugh that embarasses my sister when we're in public (^o^) ~

On that note of impressions, I came across this funny email forwarded to me of a girl's point of view on Bruneian relationships. I'll just post up some of the funnier things this girl has to say on the subject:

1. King & Queen control, semua tah kan di control nya. Baik tah bali kan kereta control. Kan control pun sadang2 la.

6. Partner gauk2 tawa2 kan be cali kana signal2. Kana cakapi "Bisai2 deh ulah atu!" aww sandi.

14. Mengusut kan mati. Barang damit pun kan di kusut kan.. air liur kucing melakat arah baju pun kan menangis.

21. Klayi dalam keta, drive laju2. Mesti di takan minyak tu! Pastu break ngajut. Plancit air liur rah cramin dapan. Cian. Sawan tia bnr.

23. Inda iklas melayan pasal hari hari jumpa. Baus bah mliat dh. Makin panjang bulu idung.

... dan lain-lain. Banyak plang lagi dicakapinya and you guys have to keep an open mind that this is only one girl's point of view, so jangan mudah terasa lah with some of her comments. I find it quite a refreshing perspective on relationships as opposed to the lovey-dovey types that I mostly observed of the people around me. If sapa2 wants the whole copy of the email, I still have it in my folder~

Apparently, most Koreans believe in the "blood-type myth" in looking for compatibility in their relationships. It is said that different blood types represent different personality, such as type B being stereotyped as players and should be avoided if you're looking for long-term relationship. This believe is so widespread that there's even a movie based on it and matchmaking agencies are even listing blood types as a category that clients should state in their profile and/or want in their list of characteristics they're looking for. If you guys want more info on what personality represent which blood type, just google it up. Heheh~ I lost the link of the site on blood type personalities, and I'm too lazy to google it for you~ Remember to check up on the funny comic strips on blood types (done by a Korean artist and translated by a couple of fans) while you're at it, they're hilarious takes on blood types personalities~

And with that, I'm signing off for the day~

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