Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Huahahahaha~ I've just found out that my blog reading level is : high school level~

blog readability test

Apa punya standard~ Tapi nda apa lah since I intended this blog to be light reading of my random thoughts. I've checked my alumni blog : BBA year 4 - Genius Level ler yo~

It seems that quite a few of my friends found out that I kept a blog... Heheheh kedapatan jua akhirnya. Sedikit embarrassed ku banarnya kan market blog ku ani since the contents are quite messy and follow no particular structure. But since you guys found out anyways, please enjoy reading until I grow tired of it~ Heheh~

Since I got nothing else better to do, I'll post up pictures of my venture to my uncle's place during the electricity blackout the other day (my house was the only one affected since the cause of the blackout was our own switch box):

The culprit


Logging the start of my venture... (look! look! I got a haircut)

... which nda jua jauh - sebalah jua kanya~
melintasi garage...

...down the steps...

...and across my uncle's lawn...

Skalinya nada jua ada org d rumah. Actually my aunt yang house-sit the house for my uncle, her brother, who was at that time working in Jakarta, Indonesia. My aunt apparently was away at my grandpa's and terpaksalah ku sama bro ku (yang jadi model of the above pics) berhijrah mencari other relative yg d kampung. Last2 we went to my aunt's yang baru pindah to her new home 50m from the main road away from us. Kes malas~ start engine keta.... heheheh...

With that I end my post with a funny outlook on friends by a friend of mine, Nonoi:

"Setiap orang di dunia ini mempunyai kawan kerana menurut cikgu saya, sesiapa yang tidak mempunyai kawan diibaratkan ‘ambuk tunggal’. Oleh kerana saya tidak mahu digelar ambuk, saya juga mempunyai kawan. Ada sesetengah orang berkata mempunyai beberapa orang kawan yang sentiasa bersama kita di kala sedih dan gembira itu lebih baik daripada mempunyai ramai kawan yang hanya bersama kita apabila kita senang tetapi saya tidak bersetuju. Sekurang-kurangnya kita mempunyai kawan apabila kita gembira dan itu ada lah lebih baik daripada langsung tiada berkawan. Dan kita kembali semula kepada topik menjadi ambuk."

(, 2008)




P.S. Actually, it's not the end. Here's a link to Dynas Mokhtar's (who is a Malaysian actress) blog which also doubles as a website for her DnA line for you guys yang suka liat2 fashion: and don't forget to checkout JabbaWockeeZ on youTube - they're an awesome dance crew that my bro showcased on his blog~

Well, that's all folks~

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