Monday, December 29, 2008


Uwaaah~ I've lots of stuff happenin' tapi i'll just update on a few of them and the rest biarlah rahsia~ Hahaha, more like too embarrassed to be told, just let a few of my close friends know the truth.

My bro's engagement ceremony went by without a hitch. The baju fesyen is okay but either the tailor made it a bit big or the fabric is just the type that stretches, it came out a bit big on me and didn't give a nice fit for me. So here it is, a pic of the three of us in our baju setusut and lil' Vina:

Went to watch Twilight on Christmas eve with Zat, Rab and Mas. Something happened on the way but I survived, and then we went to Escapade for dinner. The food's good but the price is increasing and somehow the rice is getting stickier and more squishy. Maybe they changed the cook or we got a serving of an early cooked batch that got more licak as time passes by. Entahlah. The movie is okay by me since I'm a fan of dark romance type but I guess for those thats not, you may want to avoid this one - you may find it a bit angsty for your taste. I read the synopsis for the rest of the series after Twilight and found it to be too dramatic for me -well its just the summaries on wikipedia anyway, who knows I might like it if I actually read the book.

I went to Miri on Saturday with my bro and his wife together with pops and mom. We went to the three 'always gotta go there' malls of Miri - Boulevard, Bintang and Parksons (not necessarily in that order). Spent most of the time with Mom and Pops rather than shopping for myself - part of my 'lay low' project to redeem myself due to the 'thing' that happened on Christmas eve, heheh~

Finished one of my craft projects - decorating my plain t-shirts with beads and hand sewn designs. It's not bad, I could add more colour but cepat keboringan aku ani so just let it as it is. I'll add more colours the next time I get bored.

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