Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ntah hapa2 ntah...

I have no idea what to post this time but I think somehow it'll turn out to be a long one. That's a habit of mine, I tend to waffle a lot~ even about nothing~ Which is why in exams my essays are 3-5 pages long with only about 2 pages of real content. Hahahaha~ kesian my tutors terpaksa wade through all the useless crap to get to the main points. And somehow I've never been failed yet~ heheh jangan jeles~

Speaking of habits, I have this weird one of growling whenever I feel unhappy or rather unsatisfied with how things turn out. I have no idea when it started or why it started in the first place. I'm weird that way I guess. Hmmm.... maybe it started during my preternatural phase of vampires, werewolves, dragons, etc. Heheh, am still in that phase looking at the pile of paranormal based books I have and there are still a number I've bought but haven't yet read. Why is it when I have a lot of time in my hands I can never get things done? Like during these 6 months of graping, I still haven't finished reading those pile of books but when I'm pressed for time, I can easily finished 3 books of within a range of 300 - 500 pages in a day when I'm supposed to do something important first? Heheh~ there's an easy answer for that: PROCRASTINATOR~ huahuahua~

I'm addicted to korean shows lately, not just the dramas but the tv shows. 'Two days and One night' is my current favourite - the six hosts are just hilarious together and the way they interact with each other is refreshing, there's no script and they just say whatever they feel at the moment without having to resort to obscene expressions. The show is about six celebs of various fame (singer, host, comedian) put together and went to various locations for a 2 days and 1 night stay. They are given various challenges and the winning group (they are divided into two groups of three usually, but there are times when they are tested individually) get privileges such as staying in a room with a heater as opposed to the losing group's staying in a tent outside in the freezing temperature. Of course there are grumbles by the losing team but they are good-natured about it. The challenges are pretty far out and this is what makes the show fun, in one episode the hosts were asked to choose which one of the six fish-shaped buns actually contains raw fish filling instead of the usual red-bean paste and thay had to eat it in order to find out! Hahah~ pacah parut ketawa mliat muka org termakan roti bun berisi ikan mentah (on a side note: Ewwwww~)

I used to watch 'X-Man' on YouTube but it's hard to find ones with good subs and the new format is just not as funny as the previous one. Me and my mates, when we were in UK, were hooked at one period of time on 'X-Man' and I was the one who introduced them to the show, which I discovered... heheh... when I was supposed to research for materials for an assignment~ For those with Astro, you can catch 2D1N on Wed 11.20pm, ch303. Another one that I recommend is 'Star Golden Bell Challenge' on the same channel on Friday, at 10.30pm I think - not sure, just wait around from 10.00pm till 11.30pm, it'll sure start sometime within that time-frame~

Dang! Nyaman usulnya.... heheh sorry, I'm watching org makan kimbab (korean sushi) on TV at the moment and as per me, I'm writing whatever I think at the moment~ I do that a lot too, especially time mbuat assignment tapi at the same time mliat drama - slalu tertaip what I felt instead of the essay I'm supposed to complete~ Hahaha, iatah klo terbaca apa yg ku tulis before any edit kena buat, the end result is probably full of gibberish and nonsense yang langsung nda kena mengena dengan topik (^o^).

Dangit! Arghhhh! I'm changing the channel, gila nyaman berabis usulnya and I have nothing to eat to fill in the hunger.... makanan habis udah seeing as to now it's 1.00am Brunei time and I don't wanna stuff my face with light snacks. Paksa tah ku memasak mbuat late night/early morning snack ni... kurang asam punya TV programme...

Bah, got to go - heheheh nda dapat di tahan ni nyanyian perut ah. I leave you guys with a link to one of the sarciest (most sarcastic) and funny blogs I've ever come across of a guy who lived for more than 10 years (I think) in Osaka and has no problem making fun of the people, the culture, and well, almost everything (probably everything, no almost about it) of the land of the rising sun:

An Englishman in Osaka

See you later, alligators~

Oh, p.s. thanx Col for the 'Miss No Good' recommendation, am now downloading all available subbed episodes but still alum mliat satu pun~ heheh tunggu abis smua baru ku liat or tunggu time ku sibuk kaja baru tah ku sibuk kan mliat drama plg~


1 comment:

sHaS said...

Salam Ninah! Long time no hear n see u, beb!

shit man! u r so K-phase now (pot calling kettle black). Di mana ko liat painter of the wind? last i checked it was almost ep 20 (fin) at which has a link to that has the super latest ^-^. i love the drama like nobody's buSinESS. Gokusen, y fave jua but among the 3 i pref I - i lurve the main character guy, the teacher is just damn hilarious, III guy love interest of the teacher is HELL CUTE. i shall make note of the rest of the dramas that u've mentioned and I hvnt seen one ^-^. Obviously Hnk Jap version is a blast but hell i got a prob with the guy who acted Sano - am in lurve with Teppei (Nakatsu's character).

I havent seen Baby and I (Me?), but damn guy is cute. My Mighty Princess is good - i like it. Miss no Good - I lurve the main guy character damn cool - u should liat the bloopers he's a coold character. the other guy yg Jap born atu damn supercute.

I'd recommend u some dramas & movies jua to liat but at the mo - drawing a blank....

ok I lie:
-Hotaru no Hikari (J)
-Team Medical Dragon (J)
-Fantasy COuple (K)
-Beethoven Virus (J)
-Coffee Prince (K)
-Hong Gil DOng (k)
-My Bratty Princess (T)
-Damo The Story of a Police Woman (K)
-Why why love (T)
- Holy Daday (k)
- the Quiet Family (k)
- Attack on the Pin-Up Boys (k)

Anyway~~ sidetracking tepulang aich~

apa kabarnya ko ani? what you been dong woman? aside from happily buat arah blog mu and ... stuff -_-' ku ani baru balik so i dunno sal apa2 ni T-T. Jumpa u all next yr can or not? ^-^

i got yr blog add from ZT n now u got a link to mine (OLA! sebenarnya inda pulang ku update sangat ^-^)

hope to hear from u soon! ^-^ (dammit i got same haircut as yous! OLA!)

-Shaahidah (Sha)-