Monday, December 1, 2008


As the title implies, I'm still hangin' - no job replies other than a few written tests, and I've also been hanging out with my friends. The studio photo was finally developed and the end result:

As you can see, there have been a few adjustments made. Tapi biasa ler, the photo studio ppl almost always do this - whiten the skin and removed all noticeable physical flaws. Klo ada jerawat, gerenti dengan magic nya muka anda akan jadi smooth, ala2 iklan before and after for beauty products kat TV gitu~ And for those who knows Masilah, notice the huge height difference - she's as tall as Zat! Huahahahaha~ Actually she's standing atop a block of wood in order to balance the picture~

Below are the pics taken from our latest rendezvous. We were actually gonna go to the labour department to register ourselves for jobs, but because of me n Nas mcm biasa betebiat so we arrived quite late at the office. But then, we found out that the office had been moved to Bandar and by the time we got there, the place was closed. Of course we could have made it since it was 1600 hrs and government offices were supposed to close at 1630 hrs. But org Brunei~ awal tah jua durang balik~ chiss~ (sori ah, bukan mengucap semua org Brunei, kanya most of us has this attitude).

Zat trying out shoes at Charles & Keith

Nas malas kan try on anything walaupun kena pajal. Not her thing ler~

Mas posing~

Unfortunately this was the only set of photos taken of our meet since it was quite a short one and most of the time was spent in the car. Since I got nothing else to blab about, I'll end my post here~

1 comment:

sHaS said...

nice grad pic dammit!!!!! I jeles T-T