Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Horror Stories...

I wanted to post up a blog these last few days but due to the volatility of the karan here (heheh kes tutup karan balik2 due to old age of the switch box) malas tah ku kan online. Nada mood jua bah, manakan tido siuk ada air-con tapi udah bangun berpeluh kepanasan bawah selimut. This unstable condition lasted for three days, and finally the org karan was called and he did his thingie and the electricity is now back on~ Hopefully~

The above is not what this post is about although having no electricity is a horror story by itself - imagine no TV! No internet! No AIR-CON! I shiver in memory of those days.... This post is actually about a story I heard from my sis-in-law, the type of story that is 'I heard from my friend who heard from her uncle who heard...', so I can't vouch for it's truthfulness but it makes a good horror story. The telling of this was started off cause I brought my niece and nephew to Giant, the superstore just off the Tungku Link Road on Thursday, 20th Nov, and my niece badly wanted to play at the indoors playground they set up for kids. I wanted to let her play but my sis-in-law's amah told me that my sis-in-law strictly forbids her kids playing there. I was thinking "poor kid, just let her have a little fun" but a voice in my head told me not to - and I listened coz it's always right (but that does not mean I listen to it all the time ^u^ ~). So we went home after much pulling and tugging on my niece's hand, almost had to bodily get her away from the place~

We were having a sembahyang berjemaah at home to pray for my brother's safe journey to Vietnam on a naval duty, so there were lots of relatives around and when everyone else went to pray, there was me and my sis-in-law minding the kids among others. So I told her about the Giant trip and how my niece was really stubborn about the playground. My sis-in-law then told me the real story about why she doesn't let her kids play there: There was a story of how once a kid was hidden by jins at the Giant playground...why? coz the parents mistakenly took one of the jin's kid home as it was resembling (not resembled but resembling its own face after) their own kid. This new kid was different than the real one, it did not eat and was quiet all the time - the mom was worried and somehow something moved her to call an ustaz. One look at the kid and the ustaz knew it's not human, so they went back to the store and convinced the security guard to open up the place. Inside one of the play area they finally found the real one huddle up and the jin's kid just disappeared... The lost kid then told his parents that there were lots of creatures milling about the place and how none of them gave him anything to eat.

Just after she finished off telling the story, immediately I said loudly, "Nda tah ku ke Giant lagi lapas ani for a long, long time", and that night malam Jumaat lagi tu, and ada ceta seram kat TV3 - Puaka Niang Rapik - yang hantunya ada every other second of screen (scream?) time. Hahah penakut jua ku tu. People say the area where the store was based is actually karas and a kid once drowned there when it was once a lake. I don't think I'll be bringing the kids there ever again, arah kadai kaling depan simpang rumah durang tah saja mun kan shopping~

Speaking of TV3 Seram shows, I really like the previous one: Kekasihku Seru, about a pair of lovers who were cruelly separated with the death of the guy at the gal's father's hand. The gal then brought him back to life with some mantera and after a while realises that the thing she brought back was not her lover. It spans several decades with her descendants bearing her mistakes and finally vanquishing the evil being. But I didn't like the way it ended though - a crazy aunt was so in love with the creature she brought it back and the story was left hanging there... Boo! Kesian the hero and heroine, nda tah sanang idup lapas atu. The new series of Seram's plot was not as siuk as KS but it has enough juice to tweak my inborn curiousity, and the hantu-hantu was not that scary once you've seen them twice. Still mbagi tekajut jua bila tiba2 melompat keluar out of nowhere~

I have never experienced myself of any otherworldly beings, but there are always stories abound because of the abundance of superstition and ingrained belief due to religion and culture in this country. I believe in them myself but would never want to encounter them~ heheh~ Although nda pernah terjumpa but there was this one time when I myself was thought to be a ghost!

It happened when I was staying in Brunei Hall, London during my last weeks in UK. I had just came up from the laundry room in the basement and was on my floor heading back to my room. Out the elevator and I was pushing the connecting door leading to the rooms. There stood this one girl holding a plastic bag of food, waiting for her friends I guess, at the other end of the corridor. One look at me and she started banging on her friend's door and her voice was quite frantic even though I couldn't make out what she was saying. I was stumped, holding my laundry bag staring at her through my bangs, "Gila kali anak ani" was the only thought in my mind. I ignored her and didn't think much about it until the next day. It finally dawned on me that morning that she may have mistook me for a hantu coz of my long hair (just brushed haphazardly after my shower, no one to impress anyway) and the way I was cradling my laundry bag (white plastic bag from some store), but if she looked closely she may have noticed that I was wearing 3/4 shorts and a t-shirt, and was quite alive (unless she thought I was a hantu of a recently deceased modern day girl). Kureng asam~ Ada aku yang bisai2 ani diucap hantu gentayangan... chiss!

Hahahaha~ looking back it was quite funny the way she started to bang the door. Belagur2 bah tambah lagi sama suaranya yang macam kan menangis bunyinya tu. And aku dengan selambanya mbuka pintu bilik ku pakai key card and ignoring her after the first few seconds of kebangangan~ Probably by the time aku sampai udah balik ke sini, a new legend of the-nonchalant-hantu-with-a-keycard is borned~

Huahuahuahuahahahaha ~

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