Thursday, November 6, 2008

Things I Bought Recently - Part I

I tweaked with the layout a bit since I didn't like the way the page was stretched with the old one. Blardy CSS, ngalih ku main pakai trial and error sampai at last I got it to my satisfaction:

The old look

The new one

Not much difference - I just compressed the page so that there's a column of space on each side, removed the right sidebar and added an orange dotted outline. It should be simple but nooooo~ (said with a mulut munjung), this blog site made it so that I have to search for the codes to adjust in a jumble of words that I don't even know what they mean.

Still don't, by the way.

Since I still got nothing better to do, I brought you the list of stuff I purchased recently (not all, since I think you guys don't wanna hear about brapa liter minyak ku bali or my stocking up on pads - not the ones you write on, I assure you... >.<)
I bought a new phone - SE W910i
coz I need a 3G phone since the reception at my place is horrible
and just because I want a new phone~

Now that I have a cool phone,
I need to have a cool dangling thingie to go with it~
Hahahaha~ that can mean sooooo many things
(If kamu corrupted macam aku, paham2 tah tu~)

I got this one for my other phone -
it's a cute apple shaped jade-like mineral

Ooooh, and I have a story to go with this: I handed over my two choices of phone charms and the nice chinese store attendant lady took them.... and put them in a golden bowl. Without warning, she clanged a pestle against the bowl making this huge ringing sound. Aku apa lagi, bangang tah meliat - and I think my mouth was hanging open kekejutan - while she was praying away with her hand clasped in front of her. Hahaha~ kan terlompat kanya ku lagi masa ia tiba2 melatuk pestle atu~ Gerenti blur usulnya aku masa atu masa membayar and when I walked away I was thinking: "WHAT the blardy (insert bad word here) just happened?!"

On to the next item:

A simple pair of black sandals which every girl should have - they work
well with casual as well as semi-formal.
This one is actually similar to Djah's and I liked hers
so much that I bought the same brand but different design and colour
(Mana bleh sama~ kena ucap nda original tia karang)

Also, I got myself a new wallet since my old one is kesian udah.
The one on the right is the new one. I could've bought
a cheaper one tapi nda mau2 jua yg satu ani. Apa bleh buat,
psshheng~ nya panah cupid love at first sight tarus~

Oooo... detachable section~ ahaks sakai~

With that I bring you to the end... for now. I'll continue later sebab klo ku taruskan abis tia material ku kan di blog kan~ Hahahah mbari kesian bunyinya.

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