Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Recent News

Last weekend was quite a hectic one for me:

  • Friday, 31/10: My friend, Far, had a majlis kesyukuran for her achievement of the Silver Medal and Book Prize as well as obtaining 1st class on her bachelors degree. Congrats Far~ After that, another friend of mine, Erny, had a Raya open house (haha baru ya, kan abis kanya lagi Syawal). Udah balik hujan labat lagi tu, can barely see the road in front of me and had to drive super slow, ngalih eh.

  • Saturday, 01/11: Birthday Izyan, but couldn't reach her - either ia tukar nombor mobile nya atau sibuk brabis since I heard she got a job. Been a long time since I've heard from her (Izyan~ where are youuuu youuu youu --> ada echo~). C-Nas and Haime had a graduation ceremony with Prince Charles as the guest of honour - soooo jeles eh~ I want one in Brunei too, dapat jua ku bergambar with my parents. Nda apa lah since already did the studio photo with them (^U^). Oh, and kami kena blanja makan oleh famili cNas, makan free sama yg nda mau~

Nas on her big day~ macam kan kawin saja bunyinya~

Her relatives sibuk mengusai2 robe dan topinya, abis bercucuk sana sini

Masilah trying on topi cNas, mau jua~

Only me n Mas can make it, yang lain ada acara sendiri
(berkilat wah muka ku jadinya pasal spotlight
basar kana pasang ah - kurang asam)

Hahaha~ bahagia cNas ah

Ada jari org atu interframe~

Heheheh~ macam tangga... (jangan marah Mas~)

  • Sunday, 02/11: Nonoi, Col, Far, Djah, Bilah n Me had a non-formal photo session in UBD just to commemorate our graduation (and banarnya kan merasa exchange graduation robes~ I don't have any pics but I'll post up a link of them later - curi dari website kawanku~). Hahaha~ we went crazy with our poses and to top it off masa atu ada org kahwin d Chancellor Hall tapi kami buat derk saja bergambar gila2 depan the wedding family. Tapi udah atu cabut when guests start arriving and sambung the session d FBEPS plang~
  • Monday, 03/11: I've went through the written test for a job I applied for. I got lots of tips on what the subject might be - ranging from the various functions of the different ministries to the General Orders of 1961 to the awards and honours bestowed by His Majesty. Hahaha~ skalinya the test was far simpler, not gonna go in-depth of what it was about coz I think there was a rule against informing others of the subject. Suffice to say, it was quite general and in context of Brunei of course.

Now that all those stuff out of the way, I'm getting bored again menanam anggur ani. Hopefully jadi plan cZat kan bergambar ramai di studio this coming Sunday, hahahahaha alum puas bergambar~ Haven't even had the full BruSheff students studio photo session yet - usulnya mcm nda jadi since everyone have started their jobs now...aiii.... oh well, at least we have our Sheffield graduation photos.

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