Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Macam biasa buang boring bawa jalan2 round Brunei. I went to the Mall after my civil service test on Tuesday just to see how it was at 10.30 am - turns out banyak kadai alum buka. What time is it slalunya kan kadai ani buka? So round2 lah ku and noticed that some of the shops are putting up christmas trees to celebrate the oncoming festive season, even Grand Utama is selling christmas ornaments. I guess christmas is just no longer exclusively a one religion thing seeing now that its celebrated almost globally whatever the religion with Santa Claus being the main mascot.

This handsome specimen was seen loitering around in front of iWalk. Apparently he was trying to catch the eye of a pretty in pink next door at the iTop (which i think the store name was~).

"Hey there suga mama~ I saw your bling2 and couldn't help noticing how it makes your leaves curl sexily~"

"My, my~ such a sweet talker you are soulja~ I don't mind me being on Santa's naughty list this year with such a hot thing like you around"

*I leave the rest to your imagination. Suffice to say, Pretty in Pink certainly got on~ the naughty list I mean (-o^)*

So back to my walk-walk, there was nothing much out of the ordinary that day. I did meet Ihsan though, she was taking her two sisters out just to relieve them of the post-exam blues. We chatted for a while, and she told me she applied for a post in UBD as a lecturer but didn't get a reply yet. It seems to me a lot of people I know applied to UBD for a teaching post - I doubt I can do it since I'm such a pemarah and all. Heheh~ my younger siblings can attest to that, they've been on the other end of my temper when I once tutored them on their homework (and that was the end of my career as a teacher to them~).

Today I went to Bandar just for a change of scenery, I'm getting rather sick of the Mall Gadong - probably just gonna go there to watch a movie or just to see if the latest manga arrived yet after this. It was hot and luckily I wore a short sleeve tee (jangan marah Ma & Bah~ hopefully u never discover this blog of mine), and pretended to be an Asian tourist with no knowledge of Malay~ buang tebiat~

Heheh siuk jua, andangnya tourist season kali, asal ku masuk kadai kena bawa speaking omputeh: "These earrings ah you buy 1 for B$3, 4 for B$10 and get one free on top of that ah~ buy lah, so pretty right?" said this one Chinese taukeh to me when I just barely stepped into his store. I wanted to look around Tamu Kianggeh but since I was already lapar and didn't bring my camera with me (ada buleh tertinggal atas meja?! Udah ku recharge the battery the night before...), I went back home - my tummy always win over my curiousity. Iatah klo kamu nda mau ku betanya pasal secret2 kamu, blanja ku makan~

Before I end my post for today, I'll leave you with a picture I took today with my mobile phone tof a man caught with his pants down and proud of it!

Hahahaha~ Sori ku meliatkan kamu gambar ani~ jangan mengigau malam ah~. Ku terjumpa masa ku round di Milimewah arah Teck Guan Plaza. Antah apa kah kebendanya, it was the only one of its kind and placed at the figurines shelf. Why they didn't just remove him already just for being downright ugly (on top of being offensive), I don't know - after all who the heck would buy this anyway?

P.S. I cut my hair~ pendek sampai bawah telinga~

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