Ok~ I got off track as usual~ as per the heading, here's a link to cute folder icons some of which I use myself just to make my day when I open up my file: Pixel Girl Presents
Hahah~ As you can see, I usually have more than 1 program running whenever I'm on my computer which has caused some major slowdown of the system. Manakan, I'm running Windows XP OS with usually 5 programs open on a 512 MB RAM. My internal storage capacity is only 80 GB HDD - so ancient compared to current PCs and Laptops punya in the market (there's been times when the computer gives out signal that I'm out of memory~ malas bah kan transfer ke portable HDD, I prefer to watch my shows yg kena store dlm internal memory lagi laju uploading). I think I'm gonna get a new one when I start working depending on my current workload - klo nda banyak computer stuff I'm gonna stick with my Vaio baby sampai ujung nyawanya~ Hahah~ Sounds like a marriage vow - in sickness and in health....
Just so you guys know, aku masih mengusahakan kebun anggur ku~ probably gonna start a craft project just so I don't get out of my mind....
Btw check out Zat's post on Wed, 12th Nov (just click arah Venus910 on the Blog links)~ Lawak banar anak atu~
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