Friday, November 14, 2008

Cute folder icons~

I was going to post about 'things I recently bought part II' but the pics are still stored within my camera's internal memory and said camera is with my brother. He borrowed it yesterday and is probably wanting to upload his pics to his own blog - which has not been updated in a while so I'm letting him hold on to the camera for a while. Speaking of cameras, I've been itching to get a new one since my current cybershot doesn't take a nice zoom in pic - it gets all blurry and the object still appears far, which is a bummer if I wanted to take pics of subjects that I cannot physically get closer to. This happened when I wanted to get a pic of Prince Charles on stage at Nas' convo, and ended up with a stick figure instead (which is why I didn't upload it).

Ok~ I got off track as usual~ as per the heading, here's a link to cute folder icons some of which I use myself just to make my day when I open up my file: Pixel Girl Presents

Hahah~ As you can see, I usually have more than 1 program running whenever I'm on my computer which has caused some major slowdown of the system. Manakan, I'm running Windows XP OS with usually 5 programs open on a 512 MB RAM. My internal storage capacity is only 80 GB HDD - so ancient compared to current PCs and Laptops punya in the market (there's been times when the computer gives out signal that I'm out of memory~ malas bah kan transfer ke portable HDD, I prefer to watch my shows yg kena store dlm internal memory lagi laju uploading). I think I'm gonna get a new one when I start working depending on my current workload - klo nda banyak computer stuff I'm gonna stick with my Vaio baby sampai ujung nyawanya~ Hahah~ Sounds like a marriage vow - in sickness and in health....

Just so you guys know, aku masih mengusahakan kebun anggur ku~ probably gonna start a craft project just so I don't get out of my mind....

Btw check out Zat's post on Wed, 12th Nov (just click arah Venus910 on the Blog links)~ Lawak banar anak atu~

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