Monday, November 10, 2008

Hanging Out with Friends

Yesterday, Sunday 9th Nov - Zat, Nas, Mas, Rab and I went to PhotoPlus in Gadong to have a studio photo taken of us who had graduated this year. However, Nas couldn't extend the rental period of her graduation gown so it was down to only three of us: me, Zat and Mas.

The plan was to meet up at the studio at 10, but macam biasa~ aku betebiat~:

7.30 -
Woke up due to a message on my mobile. Replied then proceeded to Dreamland again

8.30 -
Woke up, stared at the ceiling for a few minutes feeling disoriented

9.00 -
Ready to go... waitaminute! Robe ku abis kumuh... kurang asam~

9.30 -
Robe ironed: check, camera: check, breakfast: no can do as I was running late, start engine... drat! my shades... (a few minutes later)... jam tangan ku lagi!.... eh! wallet ku mana?!

9.50 -
Arrived at Nas'... Astaga~ panya lagi tia betebiat~

10.20 -
Went and picked up Rab

10.50 -
Arrived at the studio

Kesian cZat and Mas, they had to wait for over an hour since they arrived well before 10.00. But they're good sports and we all went had breakfast at Ahan Thai first before the photo session. The session itself was pretty hilarious - Nas and Rab were asked to sit while the rest was standing behind them when the photographer guy realised Nas was not wearing proper shoes with her baju kurung: ia pakai kasut casual yang unisex (ala2 kasut sport)~

Hahahahaha~ Atu bising the whole studio with cNas and the guy bickering the whole time~ Baru ku pernah seumur hidup bergambar d studio riuh cemani~

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to get pictures of us getting ready for our shot since I was panicking about my robe - heheh biasa ler robe nya atu barat payah lagi tu kan dipinkan. I'll post up a pic of the studio photo once its done, but... only if it turns out well~

Afterwards we went to Escapade across the street to have lunch:

Before Escapade, pigi kadai cina - Nas choosing which tablecloth is to her taste

Seriously contemplating... apa kan dimakan~

Oooiii~ we're ready to order~

Nas is actually enjoying her soup...

The After Picture~ Kanyang~:

Of course, after lunch you gotta relax and let the food digest happily in your tummy, so we went to Rab's house to watch a movie since there was nothing of interest playing in the cinemas. We browsed through Rab's dvd collection - made a comment on some of the movies' plot along the way: "eh, buruk ni jan tah di liat" "membazir masa ku saja mendownload" "ani siuk, aku recommend" - and finally settled on My Sassy Girl (US version) after some shoving and scuffling (nada wah~).

The story closely follows the Korean version but somehow it didn't have quite the impact the Koreans did with theirs. I guess it was because as Jackie Chan said: "When I made English movie, it's strictly for US audience and when I made Chinese movie, it's mainly for chinese audience." meaning that the west and the east have different frequencies on what they understand on humour, action and all those stuff that makes a good movie.

Since the rest of my day went typically routine after all of us went home, I'll end my post here. Bubbye~

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