Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What I Want is You~

Things that I think I want now but probably wont later~

ATH-ON300 (Yummy!)

Samsung Corby - pretty nifty but the specs are too low-range for me. I'm waiting for another version of this one...

Samsung Corby PRO! Why the Corby? you ask - well 'coz I saw it on a Korean Drama! Heheheh~ I'm a sucker for product placement marketing especially Korean and Japanese ones - their stuff are just so cute! Just take a look at the cartoon UI! It's the first of its kind that I know of. Can't wait for the revolution of UIs after this~

Another gadget I've been eyeing is a new Sony VAIO laptop since mine has started to make funny sounds. But that's a need rather than a want, also I haven't decided which one I want yet~

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fuu fuu fuu~

Salam to all~ It's been a while (friggin' two months) since my last update. It's been hectic what with Hari Raya and all. But for those who have me as a friend in FaceBook, all my activities are updated there as either statuses or picture uploads. At the moment, aku ani between tasks - so I have sometime to relax for a bit lah. Soon I'll be swamped with revisions for the GO, FR, Law and Constitution Civil Exams as well as undergoing training for the roll out of the GEMS phase 2. Abangku lagi kan kawin, and mcm biasa org yg nda kawin plg sibuk ani wah. Since I have nothing to update on, enjoy ler my collection of frog stuff~

Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's a bit late but what the heck...

SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADHAN~ to all my Muslim friends and to the non-muslims, enjoy the food feast as per the usual during this fasting month~

Picture courtesy of

I have successfully completed my attachment at two sections under my department and is now currently serving the third one. I've been here since the start of September and I've not been assigned to do anything... yet. With my luck, I'll be given two to three tasks at the same time and due close to each other - it happened before so I think I'm a bit prepared now. My work colleagues with the same job title as me didn't get to handle a lot of stuff but somehow when I transferred in, suddenly there's something that needs to be done. On one hand, it seems that I've got rotten luck to be swamped with work as soon as I stepped in, but on the other hand, I've an advantage over the others since I get to handle stuff they didn't get to do and so I've more experience than them. I'm taking things as they come and try to see the positive side of it, if not I'll go crazy thinking how on earth am I gonna finish everything on time.

Taken and edited using my camera phone. Oh and a bit of tweaking using PhotoFiltre. It's me holding a B$1000.00 note. You don't get to do this often so I took a pic to commemorate the moment~ heheh~

The Ramadhan month is a blessing, since work starts a bit late at 0800 and ends early at 1400. So I get to be up a little later and go home sooner~ heheh~ I also like the fact that the banks closes at 1600 so now I don't have to wait until Friday to go out to handle my banking matters. I don't go out during office hours as some people tend to do since it's something that can wait, and I think it interferes with my work. But I don't begrudge people who do so as it cannot be helped and office time is the only time they have available. Since Pay Day was only a few days ago, the bank is still crowded with people so I think I'll wait until mid-month to do my business. But not so late lah, since the next Pay Day is on the 17th to acomodate Raya spending.

As per requested by Sheila, transferring videos to your brand new iPod Nano is easy peasy. Just add the file to your Movies list in iTunes and then sync it to your iPod. Tada! Finished in a few minutes depending on the size of the file.

On a side note, apparently I turn into an apparition whenever I get into the elevator. This is my reflection on the elevator walls and it seems I have lost my feet, head and only a blurry part of my torso is visible. And so begins the haunting of the elevators....

Monday, August 17, 2009

My new baby

As promised, this is (one of) the newest addition to my family~

The actual colour is a shiny chrome-like purple but apa jua camera digital, this is the best shot I have of it. I love the fact that it can play videos although the first time ku cuba upload nda mau. Thank goodness for Google, all I did was follow the instructions and voila! it works like a charm~ So to test the video capability, I downloaded Twilight (heheheh saja kan menjeleskan kamu2 yang minat this vampire movie) and uploaded it to my new baby - it was better than I expected and I could see the detail clearly as if I'm watching at the cinema. The screen was small (duh!) but for me it was the right size since it allows me to discreetly watch a video while I'm uh... in 'official capacity'~ heheheh~

I watched Wanted again just because of its a cool movie to watch while I'm queuing in the bank while waiting for my turn. Since its fast paced it feels like time is flying by so by the time my number was called, instead of being relieved, i got annoyed at being cut off~ hahaha~

This is actually the colour that I want for my baby. But its supposed to have a more greenish tint to it which didn't show in the pic. Apple should have that option of having the iPod colour customised - sure it ould cost more but I bet there are people out there who are willing to pay.

Speaking of payments, I think I will apply for a Baiduri Visa Debit card next month so I'll be able to shop online since my HSBC debit card only have a few pounds left~ There are so many books I've yet to sample! So tunggu next month, I'll go crazy shopping online~ Muahahahaha~

Ooppss~ gotta go~ lunch is calling me~

Monday, August 10, 2009

Life's Good~

Hiya all~ although i know i don't have a big following but knowing that there are people reading this crappy piece of journalistic endeavor i call a blog somewhat makes me happy~

I don't have anything to update actually, life is the same as always - wake up, go to work, go home, eat, sleep. I'm kinda settled in already with this routine, which on some days are fine by me but on others I get a little sick of it. Biasalah, humans~ nda pandai satisfied all the time~ heheheh~ But all in all, as the title says: "Life's Good" heheh~ sorry LG, copyright sikit~

I managed to save a bit of my income in various banks, but the amount is still not what I have in mind - well, not if I wanted to be a millionnaire by the time I'm 30. But at least adalah jua sikit masuk bank dari nada kan? It's all due to the fact that now I have to loan out another car for my sister on top of having incurred extra expenses from shelling out for a new air-conditioner (alang2 mbli, baik tah yang high end rite?) and dispensing machine for the upcoming raya. Of course, add in the 1/3 for my parents (wajib ni, wajib!! for those yg nda mbagi, baik tah start - not only it helps them out financially, it also makes you feel good to finally do something in return for all those years they spent on melayan karenah kami dari damit sampai ke basar). So in all, I have about less than 1/4 of my net gaji to spend on me for this month and the next. Tolak lagi duit minyak... aduhai~ cukup2 lah pakai makan hari2~ Nasib lah puasa nda lagi batah, so ada jua lah sikit for entertainment purposes (keluar hang out with my peeps, tengok wayang, bli kain~).

One thing i noticed is that since I'm in the working generation, I keep spending on buying kain. I'm not really a fashionista yang suka berfesyen with kain baju kurung, you know the type that tukar2 trend - this month kain kipas and baju kisi, next kain payung and baju manik2 -kinda girl. But lately, most of my misc expenses lari ke kain. Baru terasa yang baju yg dlm closet atu nda banyak, balik2 makai nda jua best. Dulu time raya kanya baru kan motong baru but now, every month udah mbeli and motong~ Huhuhu~ I think I have to moderate lah my kain spending - kan roboh udah my closet atu nda cukup space~

So now, I'm waiting for October to roll around and finally have those pesky extra expenses to shove away and spend more on stuff that i wanted. Not that I have anything in mind right now - I've just bought the new iPod nano 4G in purple since that's the only colour that caught my eye, I would've prefered it in bright #004466 (google it if you wanna know) - its the the colour of a pair of my shoes which I will post up soon since i'm in my office and i don't have it with me. My previous iPod got drowned in Temburong~ I forgot I have it in my pants pocket when we went for floating lessons and it got submerged for two hours~ It was just as well, since I've been eyeing the new iPod 4G for sometime now but am too karit to buy it when i have a perfectly working mp3 player. So most probably now, I'll be stocking up my shopping list with iPod accessories since the previous accessories doesn't fit anymore -larger screen and different scroll positon, not to mention slimmer body.

For my peeps: I think I'm free this Sunday 16/08, so just contact me if udah ada confirmed plan to go for soto and/or ambuyat~ I'm also free weekday evenings after keraja, as long as nda akhir balik (marah krg mama~).

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Serius serius serius~

Yay! Akhirnya I've completed my one month plus course! And I got two sijil to prove it too~ Aside from the feeling of accomplishment of completing such a long course, there's also a bit of sadness at leaving all my course comrades to go back to the working world. We have sweated, got thrown overboard the kayak, jogged in the early hours, built camps after midnight, went through a fire drill, got bored and distracted throughout the numerous briefings and presentations, joked, laughed and cried together for the better part of June and July - its like going through the rigorous regiment that armies and polices went through and then going out as a band of brothers thingie.

Dinner at Nyonya restaurant in Serusop with almost everyone present. This was the 'normal' pose, the rest comprised of pose 'mengasak', dunhill, 'focus arah seorang' and etc.

And now all of us have to say goodbye to everyone and the fun (and not so fun) moments we had. We had a dinner cum certificate presentation on the last day and had fun camwhoring, but I went back early since I was driving and didn't want to meet any Casper on my way home, you never know... anyways, I heard that it got emotional towards the end when everybody was saying their goodbyes. I thank God I was not there to witness it since I would pretty much start blubbering and trust me, that is not a pretty sight at all.

And now I'm back working albeit in a different unit as my group is to be rotated within our first six months of employment. After that, I'm take the exams to be permanently appointed and then who knows where I'll be 'kena humban'. I've received my first task in my new unit yesterday's yesterday, it was nothing heavy like the one I got in my previous one and my superior was quite accomodating and gave me a few days to acclimate myself to the new environment. All in all, I would say life's good... for now~

As for those of you who wanted to take a look at my car... sori ler~ I don't wanna post a pic of it here since aku takut kena recognise on the road and whenever I deviate from the law, some may know me from the pics I've posted and then one thing will lead to another and I'll end up with a broken something. Heheheh, as you can surmise from that, I am not a really good driver. Anyone who have seen me drive knows that - fact is, I barely managed to pass my driving test some 4 years ago and that was I think because the instructure gave up on me and pass kan aku saja for the sake of 'nda ku mliat mua anak ani lagi eh'. Well that's my theory lah~

If you guys really wanna know the type of driver I am, you have to conduct a long term study - because I am not consistent. There are days when I totally follow all the rules and drive within the limit but as much as days when I totally say 'to heck with it all' and drove zigzagging through the traffic without as much as a signal light on. I have to say though I've somewhat improved and my driving is smoother now than when I first started, although my sister complained that I've always taken a corner with too much speed than she thought was safe. Che, what does she know? The by-the-book newbie driver....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wow! Batah panya nda berupdate...

Hohoho~ I didn't notice it was almost three weeks since the last update. It felt like it was just yesterday I posted my last entry. This can all be blamed on the compulsory course that I had to take in the last three weeks and is still ongoing just until before the Sultan's birthday. I had to go on a three day two nights Outwards Bound trip to Temburong which was both a great and hellish adventure for me whose roughest adventure was touring London all alone by my loneself~

I finally experienced how to float (which was a miracle since I tend to sink like a rock in water), went Kayaking (for four friggin' hours!), how to set up a tent (I held the torchlight, which was very very important :P), went camping outdoors (I found out that camp = sauna) and made new friends. The camping experience was actually kinda pathetic since we didn't really rough it out in the wild but just based our camping site a bit off from our sleeping quarter (something like a chicken coop just bigger) and the shower and toilet building. The rest of the course was sometimes okay and sometimes it was just all I can do not to fall of my seat trying to stay awake. So I guess its going pretty well since I did not actually fall asleep~ heheheheh~

With the volatile weather we're having lately, I became one of the victims of the changing temperatures like many others. I fell sick with the climax of having a fever of around 38.4 degrees Celcius. It started with the usual suspects of dry throat, then coughing, then phlegm got into the equation together with a blocked nose. I managed to get by in Temburong which included an episode of lost voice for a day. All my symptoms then looked like they were disappearing at the end of the one week I've had them, I was left with minor coughing for a few days after that. Then BAM! My temperature just spiked last Thursday and all I wanted to do was lie in bed all day and sleep - Mom brought me to a private clinic and I was prescribed a list of assorted pills and capsules and a bottle of cough syrup. I'm all okay now, with the slight cough now and then but well on my road to recovery~

I guess thats all thats happening in my life currently. I haven't been able to meet up with my peeps for as long as the course had been going on, a few of our plans got cancelled or I can't make it so the only one I've been able to meet so far is Zat over lunch a couple of times last week. We did talk but its always more fun when the whole group is there for a few hours of chatfest. Just call me guys! I'm free this weekend!

I think....

And before I sign off~ a bit of good news~ My Da relented and finally I got the car I wanted on the first week of July! Yesssssss! I still got some issues regarding the loan period to iron out but that small small matter meh~ Bottom line: I got my car!~

I'll worry about the payments tomorrow...

Friday, June 5, 2009


N.B. I wrote this post a few days after my last one so there may be some parts that will seem ketinggalan:

I've picked up a new drama series the other day. It's been around for a while but has just caught my eye recently since it's been hyped up in the entertainment news. It's called FRINGE - referring to fringe science that just borders on the supernatural. It's like a blend of Medium and CSI, with an almost X-Files feel to it. The show consists of a few FBI agents, a couple of geniuses - one level-headed (kinda) and the other a mad scientist, a big bad corporation (aren't there always~), an underground lab, a different freakshow every episode and a bovine by the name of Jean... or Gem... or Gemma... I forget. Whatever. I've watched the first three episodes and I have to say it's very good at surprising you since you don't know whats coming every episode - it's unlike anything I've ever watched before (unless you're a government conspiracy theorist). And I like the protagonist's voice. Yes, I said voice. Something about the timbre of it caught me and hasn't let go since.

[New post: Huhuhu (T_T) I broke my HDD with all my latest Supernatural, Medium, Bones episodes, together with all my pics and movies inside... Sh*te. At least I have Fringe up until episode 7 in my thumbdrive but a new HDD is in order to store all latest acquisitions of series and movies. Let us have a moment of silence at this tragic loss...]

Other than TV shows, I've also caught up on my reading. Nothing work related, although I should start soon if I wanna keep my job. Most of my current reads are YA (Young Adult) fiction since I've missed out on them during my actual YA years - I was too busy then immersing myself in Romance novels and later *cough*18-SX*cough* materials in my attempt to learn about the bird and the bees and stuff that happens in between. We don't have sex ed classes back then, and I was a curious child so why not make the learning process enjoyable while I'm at it, non?

My current reads. I tried to mosaic the sticker I put on my shelf, just cause I wanna keep myself a bit mysterious but for those who know me it's quite obvious what it covers~And since all of the readers that I know of are all my peeps... there goes that mystery angle I was hoping for~

Let's get back to the topic at hand though - the last book that I've finished (as in 10 minutes ago) was one titled 'Beastly' by Alex Flinn. I liked it although there were parts that I thought seemed too similar to works on which the story was based - 'Beauty and the Beast'. This version was told from the Beast perspective which was interesting and gave a background account as to the reasons for the transformation without it seeming to be ridiculous and too far out, especially since it's set in contemporary New York. As usual, just Google it if you want to know more. It piqued me enough to buy it online. Partly because the original (Disney version rather than Grimms') is my favourite of all the fairytales - something about the Beast has my oestrogen level surging, probably due to the epitome of alpha male he portrays~

I've also read one Neil Gaiman book so far, 'The Graveyard Book', since I love the movie version of his other work 'StarDust'. Am told the book was even better but have yet to scourge for it, later when I have the time. The story was not bad, and full of the magic and dark...humour? undertones? I don't know exactly what it is but it has that dark something that's always associated with his stories. I found it dragging in some parts which I initially thought was unnecessary and made me want to skip them and rush forward to where the climatic scene starts. Turns out the draggy bits were sorta important but it didn't make it less so. I probably can dig it better if Tim Burton could translate this into his famous stop motion works.

There are others that I want to review on but I'll post them later since I don't feel like it now. It feels better to let out my thoughts on these works since I used to do so when I actually meet my friends and swapped reviews, but everyone's busy these days and so I have you guys to torture with my incessant chattering on stuff that nobody wants to know but I still want to bore you with.

Shut up and Put up.

(Cracks whip)


That brings me to the end of that post. Now in current time...

Am currently reading Book One of The Mortal Instruments series: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare - I'm about three quarters through it and it is satisfying so far. Probably will talk on this one on the next post along with a couple of books by Vivian Vande Velde (how's that for a name~). I will probably pick up a couple of romance later just to keep up to speed on my favourite authors' works, namely Linda Howard (something Angel, I didn't quite catch it) and Johanna Lindsey (something Seduction, I think), which I spied on the shelves this morning when I was browsing through the aisle at the bookstore. I didn't pick them up coz at the moment I'm quite broke and ruthfully it's the first time I ever felt so destitute.

Usually I have cash stashed somewhere or other but due to the long unemployment phase I went on a long shopping spree just cause I was bored out of my mind. I did relieve my boredom, but along the way it appears I also managed to relieve my senses and my money. So right now I only have the depositing balance left in all of my bank accounts, and only enough money in my wallet to cover my expenses until the end of this month providing I limit my entertainment to watching movies played in video stores' screen. Which leaves me the option of breaking poor froggy's head open below...

The sacrifice to be offered to the uber empty pockets of its owner

Hopefully I won't have to do that... yet.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

WTF did I get myself into....

Shiiiiiiiii*******t*****eeee! was running through my mind when I went in to report on my first day at work. I was thinking that it was a kacang job with all I have to do is manage simple administrative tasks but it has been bestowed upon me by my superiors that my job involves wayyyy more than that - I have to know all aspects of management of all departments on top of having to take 4 exams by the end of the year (a mandatory order is what one of them said) in order to be a full pledged officer. And then I will be sent to wherever on earth they want me to and I have to obey if I want the money. Ahh~ the money~ I'll just have to think about the money~~~

Moving on, I was frustrated when I found out NBC has cancelled 'Medium', but luckily it has been picked up by CBS. I wasn't in any way actually devastated by the cancellation as the story has progressed well passed the 'public outrage of psychic use in criminal cases' phase which I think was the biggest obstacle that the show has to overcome, and the main character is happily married with kids so the 'finding the other half' phase has been fulfilled. Actually I thought the show has ended during the 3rd season (or was it 4th?) when she got back her job and everyone has to accept the fact that she sees dead people.

I went and watched 'Wolverine', 'Star Trek' and 'Night at the Museum 2' in the last couple of weeks - love the first two and the last was okay. The testosterone overload in 'Wolverine' made it for me (not to mention the funny responses - this one guy was saying something to the effect that Logan has an obligation to serve his country and he replied, "I'm Canadian." And don't get me started on Wade - funny as hell). While in 'Star Trek', it was Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto as James Kirk and Spock respectively, 'nuff said. 'Night at the Museum 2' was as I said okay, mostly cuz its a family oriented movie so it didn't have any of the subtle crude jokes and sarcastic undertone that I like in my entertainment viewing - the rest of moviegoers seem to enjoy it more though. Hmm.. maybe it was the guy sitting next to me who was ruining it for me - he kept yapping to his friends commenting on all the scenes in a way that just made me want to shut his trap. I'll remember to bring duct tape next time....

Since I have nothing else to blab about, I'll end my post here.

P.S. I will be one of those in power to govern this country. Be afraid... be very afraid... (insert evil laughter here)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pacah Parut (>u<)

Not literally, that would be disgusting and not to mention how that would traumatised me for life. Dum dum dum! ~ For your viewing pleasure~ :

The Original 'Gee' by Girls Generation

Infinity Challenge Parody

You guys should check out other Infinity Challenge's parody, they're so funny! Just check out the originals if you're not familiar with the parody version. They make me happy and all is well with the world again~

P.S. The books I ordered via The Book Depository arrived - in less than a week! which is so fast considering the location of this country. I recommend~ But hold that thought, heheh, 'coz I haven't actually went and picked them up from the Post Office yet so I don't know the condition they're in. Will go next week so I can combine with my other order from Amazon and save myself the second trip.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Paperbacks and Money

My two favourite types of paper above all else~ I recently bought a few books off the internet having a rather hard time trying to find the titles I wanted in bookstores. Rather than wait for them to stock up (since they never seem to order the ones I wanted), I decided to take matters into my own hands. But ugh, I hate having to buy stuff online now based on the fact that it never gets delivered to my doorstep and I have to go all the way to the main post office to get them. And there I have to go through procedures before I get my stuff, they even had me ripped open the package in front of them just to make sure I wasn't ordering TNT. It makes for very uncomfortable moments when I have paperbacks with the lurid covers on them. Why can't they just deliver them straight to the recipients? Certainly not very servicable of them pssh~ Sigh~ I miss UK and its postal services (not to mention the cute delivery guy I get once in a while)~

I also have to consider the shipping and handling costs and taking into account that the country is located on an island somewhat off the radar of big shipping companies - it all amounts to a very, very expensive bill that can get me to cry a lot better than any of the tear jerking movies out there. I usually frequent eBay for stuff, but since my account got on the black list (that's another story for another day) I just head to Amazon (the website, not the jungle in Brazil - just to clarify). I prefer The Book Depository the best 'coz not only most of their books are cheaper than Amazon, they also have free shipping worldwide! I love you!

However, a few weeks ago my card didn't make it through their authorization system which I thought was because I had changed address to my current residence and didn't notify the card people. So I amended all my details and went back to my orders, but the card still got rejected. I figured that it's no longer valid for online transactions since I no longer reside in the country where I had it made. Out of desperation, I had to use Amazon instead since I really, really wanted them titles, spending way more on shipping than on my stuff - which made me cry a bit whenever I see the receipt (I had it shredded in glee when it came with the books).

So imagine my shock when, on a whim, I decided to order a few books from the site via the same procedures and voila - it came through and I ended up with more cash spent on a trilogy that I don't know if I would like or not (but here's hoping that its money well spent since they really got glowing reviews). And I was not joking when I said shocked - I could have thrown my laptop to the wall in frustration thinking about if I had just waited for a bit I could have saved a bit of money on shipping costs!

I feel better now after all that ranting and complaining. Probably more to come soon based on recent subtle tense undertone exchange of words on the choices of cars I've had with everybody, yes everybody in the household people, since they think what I drive is up to them to decide. They seem to forget that its MY MONEY that's gonna be spent. Ugh, here comes the waterworks again.

Excuse me while I lament on the state of my depleting resource of happiness...

In case you're wonderin', I meant money.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fate has spoken....

Yup~ it seems i'm destined to buy a car sooner than the later I had hoped for. Dang it! Now I have to settle for a second-rate cheap car instead of saving up to buy the Hummer I've always wanted (~_~) Bleh~

The first sign was when Mum started mentioning about how we need another car since the my sister's gonna start a new semester in a new college later this year. I make dumb and pretend not to understand human language.

Then Pop started talking about tendering license plate numbers. I blanked out and let my mind wander to my happy place.

The final warning that had all my alarms clanging and blaring was when my trusty ol' Verada died on me on Tuesday. Making dumb didn't make the car start, and wandering to my happy place still had me stuck in the same situation. The only good thing was that I was parked instead of cruising on the road, but still the death-trap that is my car had to be towed to the mechanics for who knows how long.

And so only one conclusion can be made from these signs/signals/warnings/hints from the power that be - I am to be forced to buy a car and resign myself to letting half of my paycheck go towards financing it~ (T.T)

My moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....................

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Nothing much

After all the excitement of finally getting a job settled down, life pretty much continued on in the same vein. My 2nd eldest brother got around to buying me and the youngest in the family sushi at Escapade last Friday, don't know what got into him but I am not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. As someone else was paying, one should not waste his generosity and therefore one should endeavour to select the more expensive choice~ this is somewhat one of the many motto in my life that I go by and it should be everybody elses' too~ My little brother has a pretty much unadventurous palate and so went by his usual fare of tamago (che, what a waste). I had the chicken terayaki bento set and also tried the salmon and mayo sushi... it's an acquired taste is all I can say (ugh, I still can't believe I put an uncooked piece of fish into my mouth).

Let's see... what else happened. Oh yeah, Zat arranged a gathering of our usual bunch of high school mates but sadly only the two of us made it. The rest were either busy with exams coming up or tired from all the strenuos daily confrontation with hormonal teenagers at work. I don't know how teachers do it, having to put up with kids who are not even related to them - which is why I am not in the education profession that caters to below 18 years old. The way I see it, all those in teaching must belong to a secret organisation where they are sworn to a blood pact and then experimented to give them superpowers that can withstand any sh*t from puberty stricken beings called teenagers with their powers ranging from being psychic (knowing when notes are passed in class, or when somebody did something they weren't supposed to, etc) to creating illusions of authority that with a single look can instill fear and obedience. Of course these powers don't always work, as they are facing against entities that are unstable, unpredictable, and have pretty much almost always develop new strains of resistance for every measures taken against them. When all's said and done, I salute both sides, all that drama made my schooling years quite interesting if not enjoyable~

Hmmm... how the heck did I get off track from a meet with Zat to spewing stuff on kids and teaching? I have no idea but it's just one of those innate abilities that seems to be bestowed more on females - jumping from topic to topic that are totally unrelated. This comes in handy when you wanna distract someone from the fact that you just scraped the side of the car leaving yellow paint transfer that totally looked out of place on silver - that is not to say I have done so~. Let's just ignore that tidbit and go back to what I was supposed to be yapping on.

We had lunch, Zat and I, and as usual when we get together, a gossip session followed through in which I gleaned useless bits of info that I somehow managed to store in my head (how come I can never remember names? |||~_~) and we watched the movie 'He's just not that into you'. Truthfully, I have my doubts whether or not I wanna watch this one, the trailer was not very enticing even though I've heard great reviews on it and the multitude of main characters was not something I look forward to (I forget names remember~). However I found myself enjoying the movie, it was different from my usual fare of slapstick humour and action fantasy adventures, but it was fresh and enjoyable and I like how the ending tied up all the conflicts, managing to show how the characters have developed and matured and everybody gets what they just deserts without that unrealistic faiytale ending of HEA.

On top of that, I finally watched 'Superhero Movie', the one that spoofed 'Spiderman'. Although I generally find recent spoofs quite boringly dependant of gags that are overdone and basically run out of its course - this one was not as bad as I thought it would be. There were some really funny scenes which managed to overcome all the bad ones. It got me thinking, with the phenomenal success of the Twilight movie, how come I haven't heard of anything in regards to a parody being made of it? Although it would result in not a few toes being stepped on (there are some who are quite fanatical on the book and movie who would just kill anybody who dares to sacrilege the original) but if it was done tastefully - think of 'The Princess Bride' and 'Robinhood: Men in Tights' rather than the latest three installments of Scary Movie, the Date Movie and the Epic Movie - I would love to watch an uncool but still adorable Edward and an accident-prone Bella on screen. Hopefully that will come to fruition.

Well people, I've got to go. Toodaloo!~

(Seriously, that big glass of Ribena I've had is wrecking it's revenge on me now~)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Happy Happy~~~

Yes people~ I am currently in my happy mode - which for those who don't know me well enough, is quite a scary sight to behold~

The reason for this is... drum roll please!

I FINALLY GOT A JOB! Well, a paying one that is since I'm currently a non-paid chauffeur/homesitter/entertainment provider/foods and beverages (of the snacking kind) supplier and a babysitter - which while on the whole I think is impressive, is not so on paper. I went through the usual medical check today after receiving the offer letter yesterday and will get the results a month from now which is so not good 'coz I have to inform my employers of my acceptance together with my bill of health within 4 weeks - I already lost one week due to the literally snail mail procedures. I guess I'll have to go and see them bosses soon to explain for the delay.

Although I'm really happy being finally able to get off my ass and do some real money making, there's a bit of doubt as to my capabilities in handling serious stuff. I'm not known as a loon without a reason - it's my powers of suppressing all the bad things I don't wanna deal with that makes me appear laid-back and able to do crazy stunts like doing a 200 on the highway with traffic left and right~. I guess I'll just go with the flow and see where this route will take me - if it didn't turn out as I want it to be as you know, sh*t happens, then I'll try make the best of the situation. If that fails, I will always have reasons to go shopping for retail therapy~ heheheh~

I got my hair cut again but just the front part since my bangs keep poking me in the eyes and I wanna show off my ear piercings. Let me tell you - if you have fine straight hair, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, try to cut your bangs at a level above your eyebrows and then proceed to have the hair framing your face cut in shorter layers just above your ears... the result... I now have shaggy hair due to the fact that my hair type is fine and so it's shortness makes it go all over the place without the length to weigh it down to its supposed style. Thank goodness for the vanity of the male half of the population though - I can easily obtain a styling gel that allows me to shape it whatever mood I'm in and being me, I have to go all out and buy the hair creams, conditioner and shampoo as well.

For my peeps, I'll be in isolation and out of contact until I grow my hair back to my liking...


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


the newest addition to the family~ Mohammad Eshmat NorAiman~ currently one week, 5 days old

On another note, the rainy weather has literally put a damper on things. My dad did sumthing with the roof over part of my room in his quest to rid of the rodents that decided to become roomies - however it made that part of the roof vulnerable to the force of nature. So now I'm spendin' rainy days mopping up the leaks and watching rainwater fall into buckets. It's not bad though, at least I'm not swimming in my own room as what i saw on TV during the flood season a couple months back. And now I have something to do rather than sit on my butt all day watching grass grow~

Speaking of butts, I landed on mine a few days ago. I kinda forgot that it had rained the night before and that I had the floor wiped afterward. Good thing I didn't knock my head or I would have had a seriously major headache by now. Well, at least it didn't leave a bruise although I'm feeling the effects.

This had me thinking - am I clumsy? I've been getting into near mishaps for all my life and even had some not so near ones. When I was a kid, around 5-6, I accidentally cut my wrist with a pair of scissors - no, I was not suicidal - it was more of a running with scissors type of situation and it was more of a 'gouged out' rather than cut. I remembered seeing my own bleeding wrist with a small part of my flesh visible and feeling a bit faint from sight of blood. Until now I still can't stomach the sight of my own blood, I'm okay with everybody else's though~

Let's see, what other calamities did I went throughout my life: I cut my foot when I was playing gymnastics and crashed into the corner of the mirror (almost sliced it - that would make wearing open sandals a no-no which would make me very upset indeed); I bumped my skull open onto a pipe while washing my hair and boy, did that make my head spin for a few hours but it was nothing a few bandages couldn't fix (p.s. let me tell u, it was tough removing all those plasters from hair and a lot of them too) (p.p.s. I must have a hard head 'coz I managed to live until now without any serious aftereffects - like internal bleeding and all the stuff u see on CSI); I fell off a tree; I fell down a flight of stairs; I was attacked by a rooster (which make eating all those chicken dishes my own personal sweet pleasure of revenge); I sprained my ankle while taking a small step (and it was really a small one that gets me from the hallway into the kitchen); and I sometimes trip over even surfaces that has no obstruction whatsoever. So, does that make me a klutz?

My conclusion is ... no, it doesn't. And I'm not in denial either (really, I'm not). I am merely unaware of my surroundings and I have a habit of 'mata tempat lain' - roughly translated into 'eyes elsewhere', meaning I don't pay attention to whats in front of me. So I think that if I fix this bad habit of mine, I believe that I will be in much less dangerous circumstances.

Well, good luck with that.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

For my Twilight peeps out there... u know who u are~ (^0^)

I have nothing else to blab about today so I'll just post something I picked up from the E! channel for my friends who are fans of the film. Just a sneak peek of the sequel, 'New Moon', set~~~

Just click on the link: New Moon set

While browsing the site, I've only found out that apparently there have been rumors of a rabu-rabu (love as pronounced by Japanese~) in the set: R.P. is supposedly have a thing for K.S. but the latter is still involved in a relationship which was said to be on the rocks. However K.S. and her boyfriend have denied of having trouble in paradise. Dun dun dun ~ ~ ~ ah well, that's as far as I heard but it made me curious enough to watch the movie again and youtubed clips between the two to gauge the chemistry between them as well as download the draft copy of 'Midnight Sun' from the author's site. Hahaha~ this is what u get for having nothing else to do~

I leave you with a video of Super Junior's newest MV "Sorry Sorry" - love the beat!~

Monday, March 30, 2009


Woohoo~ I got a new baby boy! He was born last Friday just before Maghrib - not sure yet of his exact name, something along the lines of Erwan NorIman I think. I had a little episode of sulking just because I wasn't informed of his birth that day~ hahah~ I had just came back from watching "Confessions of a Shopaholic" (it's a feel good movie with quite a few laughs) with my peeps at the Mall, and somehow had the feeling that I should take the Jerudong highway as the route back home. Usually I just go via Jangsak and Sengkurong but that day I felt like going the other way, I even spent half an hour at a store in Jerudong. Turns out during that time the baby was already borned in JPMC which is just along my way home that day!

Imagine my frustrations when I finally made it home just to be told that the new baby had arrived and I just missed him by a few minutes~ Hahaha~ but I wasn't sulking alone, my sister was pouting 'coz she was also left out - my parents had just dropped her off at her dorm and was on the way home when they received a call about the baby. Hahah~ my mom told my sister-in-law: "Now I got two of them mad at me" after the both of us called her to complain of being left out one after the other~

So I went to visit the new arrival and mommy at JPMC on Saturday. The baby was very tiny, his big toe is the size of my pinky and I have quite small and thin fingers (well duh~ If I have fat fingers that would totally be out of proportion with the rest of my body which everyone knows is quite skinny). He has his eyes covered because he was under some kinda ray theraphy as he was a bit jaundiced. But he's okay now - he has large eyes, I'm hoping this one would take after our side of the family in looks this time around~

So being at JPMC I couldn't pass up the chance to go the beach! It's such a long time since I went... would have been better if I had my friends/family with me but I'll take my chances where I can get 'em.

This would have been better if there hadn't been that bibik with her charge at the back...

It was about 3pm so the sun was casting a loooong shadow

Hahahaha~ senget 'coz I don't exactly know where the camera was pointing

Time to go home so I left my mark...~

Monday, March 16, 2009

5.2.0. Conversations...

Browsing the Billboard 100 charts online...

Me: Eh, Eminem ada kluar lagu baru sama 50 cent dan entahsapakan (Hey, apparently Eminem has a new single out with 50 cents and whatsisname)

Bro: Iakah? Apa namanya? (Really? What's it called?) *actually not that interested but still melayan*

Me: Crack a Bottle, nda pernah pun ku dangar main d radio (Crack a Bottle, never heard it played on the radio though)

Bro: *continues watching TV, not really listening*

Me: *still talking as if anyones listening* Tau ku ni klo kena main gerenti bunyinya - toot, toot, tooooot, toot~ (I know that if this ever plays on the airwaves, it's guaranteed to sound like this - bleep, bleep, bleeeeep, bleep~)

Bro: *looks over questioningly*

Me: Hahaha~ sbb luan banyak kan di censored~ (Hahaha~ 'coz the lyrics have to be censored~)

Bro: ...


Watching Wheels of Fortune Malaysian version. The words were:

P _ R _ G _ W _ T I / T _ R _ _ _ _ _

Me: Hmmm, I know the first one is Peragawati (Model), but what can be associated with that?

Sis: Usually what they model right? Like clothes or car or accessories

Me: It doesn't fit

Sis: *takes a drink*

Me: *Not really thinking at all, but spouting whatever comes to mind* I know! Peragawati Terencat (Retarded Model)!

Sis, Bro and other Bro: ... *looked at me speechlessly*

Sis: *shakes head in amazement as if wondering how the heck we were related*

Bros: *laughed their head off*

.... the answer was actually PERAGAWATI TERKENAL....


Was driving a friend home from a night out at the movies - after denting my mom's car on the way...

Peep: You sure seem comfortable driving around places, how'd you get so confident?

Me: Just start driving to familiar places everyday. Once you're confident about driving there, you can venture out to drive farther - maybe you can drive along the highway during off peak hours, I find that relaxing

Peep: Oh~ *nods head then changes topic* Is this your first accident?

Me: ... *silent for a while*

Me: Wellll... If you count this as on the road... then yes... *smiles in assurance~*

Peep: ... *hand tightens on seatbelt*


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Just wanna tell you...

Nothin' new to update but don't wanna let the site rot so I'll just let you guys in on a lil' tidbit:

For my birthday, I bought a pair of shoes as well as got my ears pierced so now i've got 4 piercings~ The last one will probably, no scratch that, will make my parents blow their top off~ ah, but some risk are worth taking~

Ciao for now~

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ape-ape je...

Hahaha~ It's been a long time since my last update. Wanted to but my lazy disease got the better of me. Quite a few of my peeps are moving forward with their career and lives - some are going to Singapore~ soooo jealous~ Ah well, good for them - jan lupa ole2 ah~ heheheh, just kiddin'. I actually forgot what it was that I wanna talk about so I'll just write whatever it is on my mind at the moment. Here goes...

I had my 24th birthday last month! Yay!~

My birthday cake that my mom especially ordered for me. It's a chocolate cake with Nestum. It's so gooey and rich that even I, with my love of chocolate, had to have a drink with every bite but it was worth it~. The photo above, if you didn't already figure it out, was edited by moi cuz it looked a lil' bit on the plain side~

Heheh, as you can see, I suck at decoration~

Finally got a chance to meet up with Sha~ Actually Mas was supposed to be there too but she got too busy what with her teaching job as well as the national day practice that she got roped into. Sha is currently in her gap year, just taking a break after graduating from Uni. Nas as usual is late, I swear she has no sense of the flow of time - it seems to move at a different pace for her. As for Zat, congratulations! She got the job she applied for (well duh..)!

Makan-makan and minum-minum

I went for a free check up at Hua Ho. I didn't actually went for the whole shebang but just enough to know my health status. My bodyfat, visceral fat and BMI are all normal but my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) was a bit messed up. It seems that I'm not eating enough to maintain my energy level. Hah! I eat more than my fair share but I don't know where the heck it all went. There's one good thing though, I'm no longer underweight! Hahah~ it might be misleading though, 'coz I was carrying my keys, chains so that I won't lose my keys (which I repeatedly did - so not cool) and various stuff on my person which I forgot to unload, and I had just polished off a plate of oil soaked junk that's sure to grease my heart valve~ So my weight at that time was a bit above my typical range.

I also got involved with my mom's dzikir activities for the upcoming Maulud Nabi celebration. It was fun plus we got to eat nyaman every night for more than week! Who says there ain't any such thing as free lunch?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Shtoopid Longkang...

The RTB carvinal officially began on Thursday, 12th Feb which coincided with one of my sister's driving lesson. So we went there just to have a look around. It was so-so~ but one thing did stand out - the drainage system of the stadium, across of where the above event was held. Not wanting to go round and round in search of a parking space, we decided to park at the nearest empty lot - which is the stadium's parking area - and walk up the hill to the convention centre. Between the pathway and the parking area was this seemingly harmless drain. So dengan biasanya kami pun kan melangkah over the drain...

"Just jump over lah, no need to go round it."

"It's probably nothing, probably shallow one lor."

Then, we just had looked down... Wargh! Opocot! Mak engkau!~ It was one of the deepest drain we ever had to jump over, measuring probably 1m in depth. It didn't register until after we were just about to skip over it nonchalantly.... Yup~ always look before you jump, otherwise you'll end up at the 8 o'clock news... (yes, the country is so small that this bit of accident will make it on the national news).

I had soto yesterday~ Yum!~

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


My uncle and aunts' (who lives next door to us) sunflowers. They're pretty. That's all.

I changed my background image again~ ...duh~ I got annoyed with my previous layout - it was cute for a while but as I kept going on to the website, it began to look crowded with all that mishmash of patterns. So I decided to keep it simple with a relaxing pink Japanese pine trees body background and basic white wrapper~ Heheh, had to touch up on some CSS skills as I've forgotten most of what I've taught myself last year. I kept the basic Blogger template but tweaked with the background and some borders. The background is courtesy of PatternCooler, they got a lot of amazing patterns available that you can download for free.

The above pics are a couple of things I stumbled upon during my web trawls. I got them from, it's a cool site that offers free templates of labels and stuff. The owners are somewhat anti-valentine and made this flyer in the spirit of the silliness of the upcoming V day~ I especially find "no hablo ingles" (I don't speak English) and "depends... who's buying?" hilarious!~

Pink Panther 2 premiered last Thursday and went to watched it with the guys on Friday. If you liked the first one, this one is for you. It's the usual combination of Inspector Closseou clumsiness that sparks off laughter and his circumstantial knowledge (wit?) that unexpectedly saves the day. This is the type of movie that I watch with a certain group of friends - that have the same level of humour as me. I have two levels of humour, one that laughs at slapstick jokes and one that laughs at subtle, between the lines innuendos that are funny to those with a corrupted (dirty) mind. For the first type of movie, I mostly went with my high school buddies since our sense of what is humourous initiated at pretty much at the same time during our puberty and they get the funnies of what I'm laughin' at no matter how immature it seems. For the second one, my university pals are my usual accompaniments since my span of humour expanded along with theirs and these people sometimes view at my first level of humour with a cringe (as illustrated by one of them: 'The House Bunny' cracks me up, but not so my friend, "I got out of the cinema dumber.") - not that I blame them, the jokes are pretty immature and predictable laugh switches but as long as I enjoy them, I don't care~

My trusty red notebook has run it's course... ahhh~ the year we spent together notetaking, doodling and sketching are now over. Goodbye my friend... Rest in Peace...

My previous two notebooks were from WHSmith - I like the elastic band that keeps the pages together, but they don't carry that brand here.

Now for the good part: Shopping for a new one! I'm the type that depends on the written word to remind me of stuff I got to do and places I got to go. A planner seems sufficient but I don't really like the rigidity of the structure - I like to randomly doodle and draw stuff and in a planner that would have messed up the 'Got To Do' stuff I've written down in the small space provided. I could've gotten a bigger planner, but I don't like to lug around a notebook that won't fit my handbags.

I went and browsed the Net just for the heck of finding out the types of planner/diary/organiser people carry - turns out that brand names such as Moleskine and Filofax have their own obsessive followers who worshipped them as they would rock stars. These brands are not just that, but are a lifestyle for these fans (stalkers? they would be if these planners are actually rock stars) - you can google the brands and countless web sites have been established all around the world pertaining as to how you can improve and individualised them. It's rather fascinating, so mush so that I almost got sucked into the world of Moleskine. But reality interrupted in the form of my lack of funds (it's quite expensive for just a few pages of blank paper) and how irritating the customs office is at inspecting everything personal bought overseas (they tell you to rip open the package in front of them, and inspect the contents - like I would be purchasing something detrimental to myself. Me? the ever lazy gal who would walk rather than run, and would stay seated than walk - of course I would rather stay in bed all day long). Of course, it's still engrossing the way people all over have transformed such a simple concept of notebook into works of art. Just Google it, and you have a few hours of boredom relieved~

This is the 'two-taste' (roughly translated) icecream only available here in this country, that I know of. It's a combination of Banana and Chocolate, and is fantabulous~ Quite cheap too, only 40 cents (used to be 30 but inflation ya know).

For an end note, let's check out "Tuts My Barreh" on Youtube as suggested by Nonoi~ Sorry eh, am not a racist, it's just sooo funny~~

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's February~

Yup~ it's now the second month of 2009 already. How time flew by so fast, i barely felt January past by what with all the sameness of my days in and out. Such is the life of an unemployed (~.~). There has been lots of cases of flash floods and loose soils all over the country - which put quite a damper on my driving expedition plans. I was planning on driving all the way to Tutong and Belait just to get myself acquainted with the areas, seeing as to how small Brunei is (making the drive to and from destinations within the country quite short relative to the long, seemingly endless hours spent in coaches and trains when I was in UK, blergh) and how little I know of those places except for a drive through on the way to and from Miri.

In responce to this unavoidable circumstance, I now spent most of my time on wheels in front of my laptop surfing the web and luckily its the season for my favourite tv shows to be aired again, some after a long break (Bones, Supernatural and Pushing Daisies) and some starting off a new season (Medium). However, after a long waiting period, one of the shows - namely Pushing Daisies - was cut off after only a measely 2 season of 13 episodes - and to top it off, the last 3 episodes of it's last season were not aired during their scheduled time! WT*! After telling the fans that its gonna be cut, now they have the audacity to hold back the closing episodes! Che! Why do they hook us up with the show in the first place if they're not gonna deliver? I can only grouch and stick my tongue out to the executives of that TV station in protest to this tragedy... :P

Moving on to a happier note, I'm gonna have another baby Boi! Yay! Everybody was sure its gonna a baby Gal (me, cause I had a dream that I was cradling the new baby to sleep, and my sister, cause she thought the round shape of the tummy was indicative of a female) - but what the heck, the new babe's gonna be another cutie based on his two older siblings. Hopefully this one's gonna take after my bro in looks but after my sis-in-law in her fair skin. The previous ones both totally took after my sis-in-law as per the pictures below will illustrate:

Effan n Babah posing not looking into the camera, I forgot whats that called~

Vina belabih kan main badminton, pakai kasut babunya lagi tu labuk2 dapan rumah.

In my boredom, I am now taking up photography as a new hobby. The subjects? - various things in my own frontyard for now. There were a lot of empty birds' nests nestled between the flowers and shrubs. I would have liked to shoot (as in a picture, not a gun~) them with the birds eggs or lil' baby birdies within them though. I guess it's not the season for them to mate yet, and with the constant rain, most are probably flying somewhere cozier - much like how the birds in colder climates flew south. Wedding celebrations also seemed to come to a halt, and after a number being held during December with some days overlapping with invitations, it was quite a nice feeling to lay back and relax on Fridays and Sundays (hahaha~ macam c-Tai* aku ah, nda jua kraja hari2 yg lain, mau jua kan relax hari cuti) - I guess Bruneians' mating season is also in tandem with the birds~ (^u^)

These are one of the orchids species we have. At first I thought they were plastics due to their sheen but on a closer inspection, they were the real McCoy. Being as corrupted as I am, they kinda remind me of the female reproductive anatomy...

Heheheh~ I leave you with that image in mind~


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kesah budak yang menangis....

I was reading through an article in a magazine a few years back about the curse of the crying boy - it was said that whoever owns a piece of a painting depicting a crying boy will have bad fortune befallen on them, in the form of a fire burning their away their precious belongings. It was not a specific crying boy, but rather any picture of a crying kid. Eerily, my grandparents used to own one of these painting and I have no idea of the hows and the why since the myth of the crying boy curse originated in Britain, when a group of firemen were bewildered by a string of fires that somehow involved the victims owning a painting of a crying boy... Dan Dan Dan (creepy suspense sfx)... Below is the copy that my grandparents owned, although I don't know what happened to it - probably demolished along with my grandparents' place... hmm I wonder if the curse had anything to do with that... just kidding - I don't believe in curses, just coincidences (shrugs)

Speaking of crying boys, I had watched a Korean movie called 'Baby and I' starring this cute guy and a cuter baby. The poster does no justice to the cuteness of the baby, you have to watch the kid in action to fully gush of his adorableness (sapa mau? I have a copy of the movie in my HDD)~ Look at those large round eyes and that soft fine hair~ Awww~ He's half-Korean and half-Canadian which I guess attributes towards his looks, his name's Mason Moon btw. The boy's gonna break quite a number of hearts once he grows up~

Just click on the image to look at a larger size of the pic

However, my baby's still the cutest in my heart~

Looking at him, my baby looks more Korean that lil' Mason~ Currently, my Cupan (nickname we gave him) is crawling and learning how to walk~

Why is it mixed kids look totally gorgeous even if their parents are not? You just have to turn on Indonesian channels and you'll find a lot of these halfies on screen. I don't get it, they play characters that are totally Indonesian but they don't even look remotely like one - most of them look Eurasian or Caucasian with no features of an Asian except for their dark hair and eyes. That said, I don't have anything against them - they're fantastic eye candy~

Moving onto my personal life - same old, same old. Nothings change - still bored out of my mind and my shoes collection is increasing. Just bought three pair of shoes the other day just to relieve my boredom. Also went to watch InkHeart with Zat and Nas on Chinese New Year - sorry guys no pics of that time uploaded since it didn't turn out well (meaning I didn't look my best in the shot ^0^) Heheheh~ There goes my resolution of not spending any more money~ For an unemployed, I sure got lots of cash to waste~ Ahh, thank goodness for all those penny pinching years~ Di simpan batah2 apa jua gunanya, the value of money is decreasing, you can buy less goods with the same amount, so why not blow it off on stuff you like now rather than regret on missing out on the opportunity?~ That was a rhetorical question btw (~_~)

My latest job interview went well and hopefully they'll contact me later with a happy news!~

With that I end my post for today~